Chapter 1: "Jerky boy and a nice boy"

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Chapter One

"So hun, i want you home by 11" my mom told me.

"Alright mom! I've been out on enough dates with Ethan to know that my curfew is 11" I responded, I've been dating Ethan for 6 months and I'm not gonna lie, i really liked that boy. I was going on a date with him at East Side Mario's, a Italian themed restaurant.

"I know you have Lilth, I'm just making sure" A car horn honked from outside.

"Oh! That's Ethan, bye mom!"

"Wait! Let me look you over, make sure you look good!" she stopped me. She was staring at my red hair, it was curled into perfect ringlets. I was wearing black skinny jeans and a flowy navy blue and white striped tank top. On my feet I had black flats.

"Can i go now? He's waiting!" I was growing impatience.

"Okay, okay! Go!" I grabbed my black clutch off the dinning table and ran for the door. I was greeted with warm air, it was quite warm for it being 8:30 at night. We were having a late dinner cause Ethan had to work. I walked up to the passenger door of Ethan's black car and opened it.

"Hey baby" Ethan leaned over the gear shift and kissed me "You look...good"

"You don't look to bad yourself?" I giggled nervously, did he not like my outfit? Ethan has black hair, it was cut short and spiked he also had brown eyes. He had black jeans on and a navy blue V neck shirt "We are very matchy today" he commented.

"I know, it's awesome" his smile was so cute.

When we got to East Side Mario's there was no one else there because it was already so late, the smell of food overtook my nose, i was HUNGRY!

"Table for how many?" asked one of the waiters.

"Two please" I answered.

"Follow me" he lead us to a booth on one of the side walls. there was two side walls with 2 booths on each wall, 2 could hold 2 people and 2 could hold 4. There was big tables in the middle between the two walls. Two menus were plopped on the table "I'll be back to take your order soon"

We ordered our food and it was at the table, Ethan ordered a $20 dollar 16 layer lasagna and I got a $16 chicken parmesan. In the middle of eating Ethan stopped and looked at me.

"Lilth, you should of wore a dress or something" I was taking a drink of water and almost spit it out. What kind of guy says that to his girlfriend! He was staring at my clothing choice like it made him want to throw up.

"Well i didn't know there was a dress code when on dates" I replied.

"I'm just saying you should make more of an effort to dress more nicely on our dates" I rolled my eyes. I am sick of this kid! This wasn't the first time he criticize my clothing choice and he always said that my clothes were ugly and that the way i eat is annoying, also that my mom was too hyper and that my dad was a jerk.

"You know, you should make more of an effort to NOT be a jerk"

"Excuse me?" he looked up from his food.

"You heard me!" 

"Well at least I'm not a brat!" he yelled loudly, standing up. Luckily there was no one else in the restaurant.

"Even though you act like one! Walking around like you own the place! Just cause you're rich!" I threw a hand full of french fries at him, they got caught in his hair that was packed with gel.

"BIT-!" he got cut off by me throwing another handful of fries at him. He got up, he headed towards the exit. A group of 5 guys, between the ages of 18-20 came threw the door as Ethan was leaving.

"Wait! You can't leave Ethan I can't pay for all of this, I don't have money!" I screamed, standing up.

"Tough!" he snapped at me.

"Ethan!" I yelled but he was already out the door. I sunk into the booth bench and started crying. I heard the boys talking to the waiter. "Ah,  hello boys! I'm sorry about them, i'll ask her to leave"

"No it's alright, don't bug her looks like she's having a tough time" said one of the 5 boys in a British accent. The waiter didn't reply, but  then there was scratching of chairs against the tile floor. 

FREAKIN' JERK! i hate guys sometimes! I was covering my face with my hands with my elbows rested on the table, I peeked threw my fingers to see the boys who just entered the restaurant. They were so cute! and very familiar looking. One of the boys looked over at me, he had brown curly hair and green eyes, he was cute. He noticed me peeking threw my fingers, I closed the gap between quickly them and turned so I was facing forward. I heard him say to his buddies "Give me a moment lads" he had a British accent, sounded like all of them did but one of them sounded Irish.

I heard a noise of someone sitting on the bench in front of me. I made a gap between my fingers again and i was looking at the boy with the curls again.

"Hello" he said quietly, like if he talked to loud I would shatter. I sniffled.

"Hi" I whispered removing my hands from my face slowly.

"I'm Harry, who are you?" he smiled. It was a prize winning smile that made me forget about my fight i had two seconds ago. I smiled slowly.


"That's a unique name" he commented. I nodded "I saw your fight a little bit ago and I was just wondering if you were okay. It's not cool for him to yell at you like that." 

"Tell me about it" I spoke louder then before but still quiet. He chuckled softly.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come over to mine and my friends table and eat with us instead. I can have the cooks heat-up your food" At the thought of the food i started to get teary eyed again. "What's wrong love?" 

"This food!" I yelled in tears "I can't pay for this!" A tissue tickled my nose. Another one of the boys came over while I was crying about the food. He had brown eyes and brown hair that was swooped kinda like Justin Biebers. I took it and wiped my tears. "Thank you" he nodded and went back to their table.

"It's alright Lil, i'll handle it" Harry smiled reassuring at me.


Lilth ----------------------->

*If you don't know what One Direction looks like. Google is your friend*

        So this was the first chapter of my story! I read A LOT of One Direction fanfics here on wattpad so i decided to make my own!

I have the first like 3 chapters prewritten, but depending on feedback i may decide to rewrite them. I will upload the next one in like 3-4 days! :D maybe 2 who knows.

I wanna finish writing the third chapter before i upload the next! so whenever i finish i'll upload the next :) 

REMEMBER: i always wanna be a chapter ahead of my story,some may take longer to be updated because i may rewrite them depending on feedback!


 Uploaded: June 25, 2012

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