Chapter 6: "My eyes, ruin my lies"

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"Lilth we're not leaving this damn store did you let us buy you something!" Louis yelled at me.

"Fine!" i grabbed a pink nail polish off the glass table "There, buy this for me!" i said smiling, the nail polish was only $2 so it wouldn't bug me if they bought it for me.

"Anything OVER $2 Lil" said Liam coming to where me and Lou were standing. The rest of the guys were touring the store.

"Urg!!" i grunted and grabbed a blue nail polish off the table "Ha! both of these together i made 4 dolla!" I yelled  putting them in Louis hand. 

"Alright, be like that....Anything over 10 dollars!" Louis screamed and put the nail polish back on the table and ran away. I groaned and Liam laughed at me and ran away. Boys!

I walked around the store, there was sweaters, a sweater! I could use that. I walked over and started searching for what colour i wanted.

"Excuse me, miss" said a small voice be hide me said. I turned around and there was a girl, around 13 years old be hide me. She had blond hair and blue eyes. She had a black v-neck on with a white undershirt. She had white skinny jeans on like me. Why isn't she in school?

"I'm sorry to bug you but um..I happened to see you with One Direction and their my favourite boy band/singers in the world and i if you could give them this to sign..." she said awkwardly and handed me a autograph book, i opened it and the first page had a picture of them in the left hand corner.

"Why don't you ask them yourself?" i asked her.

"I'm too scared, their gonna think i'm a crazy fan." she looked down at the ground, she must be shy, i'm not gonna let her shyness over come her. I grabbed her hand and dragged her over to where the boys were sitting by the dressing room on red sofas.

"Hey guys! This girl wants your autograph, she tried to get me to get it for her because she's shy, but i'm making her talk to you!" i said looking over to the girl. Her blue eyes were popping out of her head and her jaw was dropped. 

"H-hi" she said quietly.

"Hello Love! What's your name?" asked Louis, standing up and coming up to the young girl.

"I'm..Valerie" she said quietly looking up into Louis's eyes "And i'm a big fan" 

"Well nice to meet you Valerie, who's a big fan!" She giggled and gave Louis the autograph book and they all signed it. She was about to walk away when Liam called to her.

"We didn't get our hugs Valerie!" He said standing up and walking up to her and pulling her into a hug. She looked like she was freaking out inside. They all hugged her and i pulled out my phone.

"Do you have twitter Val?" Wow, i barley know her and i gave her a nickname.

"Yeah.. it's Val1DLover" she blushed saying her twitter out loud in front of One Direction themselves.

"Okay, do you want a picture, i'll tweet you it!" i said taking out my blackberry and aiming it at the 6 smiling faces. I clicked the centre button and saved her twitter name.

"It should be up in a couple hours, whenever i go home" i told her, hugging her.

"Thanks, Alot!" she said smiling and walking away.

"Aw, whatta cutie" Niall said smiling.

"Yeah, she was" I agreed. We were waking out of the store when Louis realized i didn't buy anything. But we were already far away from the store so we didn't go back. Thank you Valerie!

We walked around the store more then left because it was getting to crowded and the boys didn't want to get mobbed.

"I say, lunch?" Louis said putting his bags in the trunk of the black van. We all nodded and piled into the van. 

"Where would you guys like to eat?" asked Sam turning around from the front seat.

"Um...I think McDonald's would be fine" Liam told Sam.

"YES! FOOD!" screamed Niall jumping in his seat beside me. I started laughing.

"Calm down Nialler!" i told him grabbing his shoulders to keep him from jumping.

"But..but! FOOD!" he looked at me with wide blue eyes. His eyes were like a beautiful ocean. We kept staring into each others eyes until Louis screamed into my ear,

"WE'RE HERE LILTH!!!!!!!!" 

"OKAY, LOUEH!!!!!!" i screamed back into his ear. I think I went deaf.

We got out of the van and went into McDonald's. I walked up to the counter to look at the menu and the girl be hide the counter with bleach blond hair and bright green eyes glared at me. Okay...

"Can. I. Help. You" she said still glaring at me with her green eyes. Jealous? Come on! People now a days.

"Um....Can i get a Quarter Pounder with Cheese combo, please" I ordered while looking down at the counter top.

"Anything to drink" she kept her face serious.

"Root beer please..." i kept looking down at the counter.

"Coming right up" she gave me one last glare and went to the back kitchen. She isn't a very good whisper, i could hear her faintly talking to another one of her co-workers.

"That girl is so lucky she's a customer. Who does she think she is? Stealing the boys from us fans, like what the hell!? I heard she wasn't even like a fan before she met them. She's totally gonna use them!"

"Totally!" agreed a high pitched voice.

"Gotta go give the skank her food, be right back" I tried to wipe the hurt look off my face before she came back. 

"Here you go....enjoy" she said unenthusiastically.

"Thanks..." i handed her a $20 bill and she gave me my change and i left the counter and went and sat in a booth while the guys ordered their food. Niall went to the cashier that took my order and i could hear her high-pitched annoying laugh from the booth. It reminded me of fingernails on a blackboard. Annoying and unnecessary.

Louis was the first one back at the booth with his food. He sat across from me and looked at me smiling. His smile faded when he saw me picking at my food. I ate one fry and didn't feel like eating anymore, so i was just dipping my fry in and out of the ketchup.

"What's wrong with you Lil?" asked Louis, raising his eyebrow.

"Nothing, why?" i looked up into his pale blue eyes. He knew i was lying.

"Liar" he said looking down at his food and he started eatting. I looked down at my food as well, when the boys came up to the table. Harry slid in beisde me, then Niall beside him. Zayn sat beside Louis, then Liam sat beside Zayn.

"Why are you two so quiet?" Liam asked looking questioningly at me and Lou.

"I'm just not feeling well, do you think you could take me home when were done?" I continued to look down at my food, eating very little of it. I gave most of it to Niall. Harry kept glancing at me, his face going serious every time. He thought i didn't know cause he did it quickly but i could tell. 

The table was full of awkward silence. We were finally done and left McDonald's and their crap workers. I think I'm going to call and complain about a certain worker.... 


   I took forever to update! Sorry! I was working on my new story "We Only Dreamed This" 

with me and my bestfriend. But now i'm caught up on it. So it's all good!!!

Thanks for reading!! --Dana

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