Chapter 2: "We don't bite"

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      "So Lilth, this is Louis, Niall, Liam and Zayn" Harry introduced me to the 4 boys sitting at the table.

        "Ello!" said the one named Louis with a British accent, he had brown hair sticking up in different directions, he had blue eyes and had on a striped shirt "Hey! We match my lovely!" I smiled shyly , why yes we did.

        "Hi" said Zayn with a British accent, he was more quiet and mysterious then the others. He had blackish brown hair, brown eyes and tanned skin.

         "Hey!" said Niall with a Irish accent, he was the only Blondie in the group, he had messy hair and blue eyes.

          "Hello" Liam finished the round of hellos, he was the one that gave me a tissue when  i was crying over food. Harry grabbed a chair from one of the extra tables and placing it between him and Louis.

            "Come sit beside Lou and me!" Harry said. I sat down cautiously. Louis put his lips next to my ear.

         "Don't be nervous love, we don't bite"

         "Lies!" yelled Liam "You bite me all the time!"

          "Yes, true. But i would never bite a girl" he winked at me. I giggled lightly. I looked over to Zayn and Niall and saw them whispering then looking over at me, i raised my eyebrow at them. They looked away quickly.

          A waiter came and took the boys order and Harry asked if they could heat up my meal. I excused myself to go to the bathroom, i probably looked like a mess after crying over Ethan. I got up and walked into the bathroom, i walked over to the mirror slowly, scared of what I was about to see. I yelped quietly, I look like a monster! My eyeliner and mascara was running down my face, my red lipstick was smudged outside of my lip line, and my hair was in tangles. I looked like Kesha! I stared into the mirror, how did thoughs hot guys stare at me when i look like crap? I broke down crying again.

            I stayed in the bathroom for 10 minutes sitting on the floor. I heard a light knock on the main bathroom door.

           "Lil, are you okay?" asked a voice, it sounded like Harry.

           "Um yeah, I-I'll be right out" I answered quietly.

               "What?" Harry asked "I can't hear you you're really quiet....Screw it!" Harry barged into the bathroom.

               "Harry! You can't be in here!" 

                "I don't care, my new friend is crying, i have to be in here to comfort her" My new friend? So were friends now? Harry grabbed some paper towels and got them wet, he started to wipe my mascara off my cheek. 

              "There" he smiled at me. 

               "Thank you" I whispered looking up into his eyes. They were warm and friendly.

               "No problem" he grinned.

                 When we came out of the bathroom, Harry had his arm around my waist. I looked over at Nialls spot to find it was filled with food.

                  "Holy crayons, kid! You can sure eat alot! You also much be rich to be able to buy all of that!" I was flabbergasted. All the guys looked at each other when i said they must be rich. "What'd i say?" wondering why they were looking at me funny. Niall was whispering to Zayn again.

                  "What!?" i yelled. All five guys jumped in their seats "What is wrong, my god!" I was in a pissy mood already and this was making it worst. I fell into my chair and stabbed my chicken with my fork.

                 "We're sorry Lilth, it's just, you don't know who we are do you?" 

            "Yeah, you're a bunch of British guys that don't know how to get to their point faster" i answered. I felt bad for being mean but you get to admit, you'd be pretty mad too.

             Harry chuckled so did the other guys "No i mean, have you heard of a band called One Direction?" it suddenly hit me. They were One Direction! Oh my good i'm so stupid! I wasn't a mega fan or anything but i would always sing along to their songs and i saw their faces everywhere i went!

               "Oh my god! I am so stupid!" i started laughing lightly putting my head in my hands.

               "Oh so you DO know us?" said Louis.

                 "Well i'm not a mega fan or anything but i know who you are" i answered. The guys Oooh'ed. "Oh my goodness! I'm sorry for yelling at you guys" I apologized

                  "It's cool, i know what it's like to fight with someone you're in a relationship with" said Liam. A random beeping started.

                  "IT'S THE ALIENS, THEIR COMING TO STEAL MY CARROTS!" screamed Louis. Strange kid.

                "Calm down Louie it's just my phone" said Zayn who answered his phone "Hello? We're at East Side Marios. Harry was suppose to tell-" Zayn glared over at Harry, he returned it with a cheeky grin "Yeah, yeah. I don't see the big deal, there's no one in here and none of us tweeted where we are-" Zayn got cut off by a giant group of girls screaming.

              "Oh snap...." said Niall. I walked over to the one window and peeked out the blinds.

               "Yeah guys, there's like 100 girls outside the restaurant" I said "What do we do?"

                 "Shh!" Zayn shushed me "Yeah Paul, SOMEONE tweeted" Zayn looked around the table glaring at all the guys "So what do we do?- Maybe like 100 fans- Yeah yeah!-" Zayn mumbled into the phone.

                "Pauls your guys manager, right?" i asked Louis quietly.

                 "Yep, and he's gonna kick our arses because HARRY can't remember anything!" Louis said more directed towards Harry.

              "Yeah, alright meet you out back" Zayn hung up his phone. "We are to meet the limo out back!" announced Zayn.

               "Guess i'll just walk out threw the front, they won't care about me" i said.

                 "Are you kidding me!? they will grill you and attack you cause you were in here with us" Niall said with a "Duh" tone to his voice.

              "Then what do i do?" i asked.

               "Come with us, grab your stuff" answered Liam. I grabbed my clutch. Harry grabbed onto my other hand and we all ran threw the kitchen of the restaurant and ran out the back entrance/exit, there was fans there too, not as many but they screamed so the girls in the front heard, we could hear their footsteps slamming agaisnt the pavement.

            "Harry, Harry! We love you!!!" they yelled, then reliazed i was holding onto his hand "ARE YOU DATING!?" they screamed, my eyes grew wide and i stopped in place, What!? How come fans just thought we were dating just cause we were holding hands.... 

              "Come on Lil!" Harry screamed over the fans, he yanked me into the black limo. The rest of the boys jumped into the black limo, pushing me and harry out of the way and closing the door fast so no fans jumped in. Liam yelled at the limo driver to "Step on it" and we were whizzing out of the parking lot quickly.


Hope ya liked it! :D <333 i will upload the next chapter once i get chapter 4 done! 

REMEMBER: i always wanna be a chapter ahead of my story,some may take longer to be updated because i may rewrite them depending on feedback!


 Uploaded: June 29, 2012

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