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Louis , Harry and Zayn went to buy something for the gust room and food , and since Liam dosn't won't to go with them and the boys never take Niall to food shop so i had to stay at home with niall and Liam. We started to watch news and at news it was a girl who was missing for 2 years ago i got teas in my eyes.

'' I'm going up to my room '' i said and stood up and went up to my room.

Niall's POV

''What happend with her?'' i asked and looked at Liam.

'' Go and talk to her ,  why do you think i now whats up with her?'' he asked and looked at me.

'' What if some thing goes wrong , I'm not good talking to people as you are'' i said and looked after Emma.

'' you can either sit here and talk about that you will talk to her or go and talk to her'' Liam said and pushed me off sofa '' go now''

'' ok, wish me luck '' he said and smiled.

'' you are just going to ask her what's wrong , but good luck'' he said.

I started to walk to her room and knocked at the door.

 I heard she said come in.

Emma's POV

''Come in '' i said  and tried to stop crying.

'' Hey, are you ok?'' I sow that Niall Came  in and tried to smile.

'' yeah , I'm fine , it's just the news'' i said and looked down.

'' Do you know who that girl was?'' he aked ansett down at the chair beside my bed.

'' She is or was my sister '' i said and looked up at him.

'' What? what happend to her?'' he asked and looked pretty shocked.

'' To year ago , i bought an one direction concert ticket to her for her birhday. I payed 700 pound for that because i got the ticket to days before concert. I had just got my driving license and she was the first member of my familie who i ever drove any where , after two hour when the concert was over came every person out one by one but Magdalene came never out. I tolk to one of guards that i have to go in and look after my sister,  he said that if it dos'nt take too long time i can. I went in but there was empty. After tree hour when the cups got there to we found my sisters telephon , and she had filmed every thing and we sow that her phone fell down at the middle of  little things and she never picket it up, the cups told me that i could drive home and they would call me if they got any new news about her'' i said and looked down '' when i went out i sow the cup witch was talking to Harry and laughing I got a bit mad that you guys could laugh when one of your fans went missing. After that i got in the car and started to drive home but i started to cry and in a minutt i did'nt see the road so i crashed with a tree. When i woke up later that day i was in hospital and the police had told every thing to my parents, from that day when i heard one directions songs i started to think of my sister , she never became found and we don't now if she is life '' i said.

'' So that's why you don't like us?'' Niall asked and looked at me.

'' Put your selv im my situation , would you like me if you sister was disepierd in my concert?'' i asked and looked at him.

'' well ..... not so much but i would  not hate you'' he said and looked down .

'' She was the important person in my life , when we was kids our parents did fight a lot and e had only each other at those haard times , i was like a mother to her '' i said and wiped away my tears.

'' What was her name?'' Niall aksed and tried to smile.

'' Her real name was Magdalene Saphira Elisabeth peyton but she hatet it and i we called her maggi '' i said and smiled of thinking to old memories.

'' Maybe she is in life now'' niall said ''  no one ever said that he is dead'' he said and smiled a bit.

'' She is smart no one could hold her a place for two years , she would skape , and i have  a bad  feeling that she is dead '' i said and looked down.

He took my hand and smiled to me '' if she is dead , she is in a better place now and remember this : people dies but memories don't , you have memories of her and that keeps her in life in you heart forever'' he said and smiled.

'' Wow , it's the deepest thing you ever have said '' i said and laugh a bit.

'' i can be deep , i can have the price for deepest man in the planet'' he said and smiled.

'' Doese that price even exist ? '' i asked and looked at him.

'' well, it will one day'' he said and smiled ''  do you want to go down and eat some thing?'' he asked and smiled.

''yeah, Of course '' i said and stood up from my bed and we went down.

'' well, before your sister was missing did you liked us?'' Niall asked and smiled a bit.

'' Well , maybe'' i said and opened the fridgedoor '' it's empty here.'' i said and looked at him.

'' Do you want to go out for a nandos?'' he asked and smiled.

''  bu what about if people sees us?'' i asked .

'' Lets just hope that the dosen't'' he said '' Liam we are going out for a Nandos'' Niall yelled.

'' No , you are not , Louis said that we have to stay at home until they came and nandos are going to close about some minutts you can't be there in time '' he said.

'' he is right maybe we should wait'' i said and we went to sofa and sat down there.

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