University ball

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Emma's POV

It was two weeks ago i movd into one direction house and started to live there until things calm downs , but nothing have realy calmed down. 

Mom, dad and chris have went to Roma for having a vacation and the trought it was the way to get paparazi to leave.

Today was the day i had to go to ball with Alexander , i have waited i two weeks and  and now have the day came, the boys seames pretty exited the too. Harry promesed to  help me with make up , Liam with how to dance and   Louis with hair , but Niall sat there all day and watched TV and didn't do something really.

But since i told them about i was going to the ball with Alexander , he started to ask if he could come and we said no but it dosn't seames that he have give up.

*Around five*

I sat on the sofa and watched TV with Niall and played Rock Scissors Paper in an half and hour until we heard the dooebell.I raised and ran to the door and opended the door and sow Alex standing there in suit and a rose buckett.

''Hello, Em'' he said and smiled and handed me the flower.'' ready to go?''

''Couldn't be more ready '' i said and wss going to close the door until Niall came running there '' One direction can play at your unieversity ball'' he said and smiled shyly.

''You mean it?'' Alexander asked and was about to exploud.

''Yeah, we .... are stars and that's what we do'' Harry said and came in dooropening''I talked to the boys and they said they would love to play at the ball'' Harry said and smiled.

''Is it okey with you , Emma?'' Alexander asked, I would love to say NO but i couldn't be mean eather '' yeah ,i think so'' i said or i lied.

''Zayn,Louis,liam  we have a consert'' Harry yelled in and the boys was at the dooropening at no time '' Where?'' liam asked.

''At.....''Harry said and looked at Alex for an answer.

''At Oxford univesity'' He said with a smile.

''Super man on his way''Louis said and we all went out.

''A problem, how are we going there?'' i asked . ''Easy'' harry said and took out his phone and talked to someone'' our private driver is here about five minutts''he said proud after ending the phone call.

We chate in five minutts and then the private driver came with a limosin and we went in.

''Wow'' i said a loud and looked around in the car wich looked like a palace then a car '' it is huge'' i said and rememberd that i said the same about the hour '' why is everything huge about one direction name, house, stuff, car?'' i asked and laughed.

''Big talent*cought* cuteness *cought*'' louis said and made everybody laugh.

Ater 25 minutts was we at oxford university and lots of peoles looked at us and talked when we came out of the car I hurryed to go inside and was followd by Alexander.

All the night we dansed talked and i got to know new peoles and lads played lots of song ans to be honest alex became full more knowen by everybody after showing up with the guys.

''So this is one of te last songs we play to night and I choosed to give this song to a beloved girl, ladies and gentelman, litttle things'' Niall said and under all the aprance i could see that he smiled to me, and every thime i blushed.

Finally around midnight we went home and lets say that the night hadn't end that because Niall knocked at the door and came into my rom

''Hi''He said and came inn ''Alex went just home, he thanked us in a hour or so that we had play on the ball'' he said with a smile.

''You guy made him famouse''i said '' nice performance , buy the way'' I said with a smile .

''Thanks , we tried our best, but those nerds there wasn't imprest at least we started to talk about math '' he said and let out a laugh.

''Who was the dream girl you sung to?'' i asked and smiled and put some cloth in my clothet.

''She don't even care about me , and I'm pretty shore that she like a other boy'' he said.

''Talk to her '' i said '' it the easeast thing in the world''

''Okey'' he said and took a brace ''Emma i love you since i sow you the day at the booksigning''

Niall's POV

''I love you since i sow you the day at the booksigning'' I said and looked down , i couldn't look in her eyes, what was i thinking , she will never like me.

''Niall, I.....'' she said but i wasn't ready to hear that she had no felling for me so i cut her of and smiled a bit , a fake smile '' I'm sorry, i said that , i know it was just stupid'' i said and raised up from her bed and went to the door but befor i could go out , she held me back.

''Niall, in two years i just exepted your poster to say those world or a Niall doll highest but today you are telling me that, not you doll or plakart, but you self, I love you too'' she said and smiled shyly.

''So do you want to go go out with me or be my girlfriend?'' I asked and felt my heart burning up of happyness '' but why didn't you tell me earlyer , like some days or weeks ago?'' I asked and smiled not liker those things was importent but i just want some answer.

''Maybe because i was too shy to tell you?''she asked and smiled to the ground ''But now I'm not afraid to do this '' she said and kissed me softly , i don't know if it's normal when guys feel butterfly in their stomach but i did.

''I know it was ging to happend'' a voice said and when we turned around we sow all the boys stood ther and claped.

''Kids grows up so fast'' Louis said and fake cried .

''I ...ehm.. better get some sleep, it have been a long night''Emma said and smiled againg and i could say that he blushed when the guys sow us.

''Good night Emmy'' I said and went out after i pushed the other boys out.

Emma's POV

'That just happend, i kissed Niall james Horan' i trought to my self while i lied in the bed ' but i have to tell him and perrie about Zayn, it the least i can do after he opend his heart to me , but what if he don't belive me he either , after all it was tree weeks ago and Zayn and Perrie are going to get married about 7 mounths ' i troght to my self.

''So you still havn't told anyone about our kiss''I heard a voice say in the dooropening, it was Zayn.

'' That is not going to be a secret anymore, I'm going to tell Niall and Perrie sonn about it'' i said and became sort of mad.

''Oh gud, I'm so scared , please don't tell them'' he said and laughed '' no one will belive you , little poor girl, that Niall, who you are in love with now will leave you after a while'' he said.

''Why do you care about who i love and my life?'' I asked and looked at him.

''Lets say it in this way, if you not break up with Niall and leave I will tell him that you kissed me, and guess who he will blive?''He asked and smiled a evil smile.

''Don't you dare'' i said and stood there in shock.

''Oh, yeah, i will little prinsess , i will if you don't leave him'' he said and went out.

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