What did you happend?

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Emma's POV

After hugging Alex and getting him to say hi to the boys we diceded that they should stay there we was and me and Alex could go and watch Luxy.

''Guys, I call you later, say bye to harry , Lux'' I said and smiled.

''Hally'' she said and we started to go in a anouther direction.

''So how are you?'' Alex asked with a big smal so i could see his braces.

''it's okey and the boys are not same what i have hard of them '' I say and smile '' they are nicer and Harry is not such a flirt that tought ''

''I didn't know you cared about reading about them '' he said with a confiused look.

''It's a long historie a I'm not telling so many persons that'' I said and looked down with Lux stil im my arms and than i realesed that she was sleeping so i smiledand tok the hair away from her face.

''Em, You can trust me , I'm not like other guys that will laugh or i don't know what the normal guys do'' he said with a smile.

And i started to tell him the historie about my sister and when I was done I was waiting for him o make fun of me or say nothing but liar ... bu he didn't he smiled and looked at me.

'' I'm shure she is watching you right now from heaven and thanking you for bee the greatest sister of all time'' he said and smile and rest of tour we went hand in hand troght the streets and buyed clothes to Luxy that woke up after some minuts.


''I hope the guys like this , this is the most cutest clothes I ever buyed for a baby'' i said and laughed

''I'm shure they would '' he said ''you are the only girl in my age that havn't called me geek boy'' he said with a smile.

'' You are not a geek , that just you are good at home work dose'nt make you a geek '' I said an dlaughed '' I got ride of my braces some weeks ago so I kno hoe it feels'' i said and smiled. 

''by the way , about some month it's univirsity ball in my univirsity , and I have no one else to ask , do you want to come with me?'' He aked and smiled.

''Of curse'' i said and smiled really huge '' I missed my owen prom because my grandmother had cancer and i had to go and supurt her'' I said.

''I teks you the place and stuff later'' he said with a smile '' What happend to your grandma?'' he asked and we sarted to walk againg.

''After my sister was missing she gave up and dead'' i said and tried to change the teme '' I better call boys now, we have been here for two hour '' i said and teksted the boys and we was all going to eat at Nandos.

Emma's POV

After that me and Alexander became agreed to go to his university ball just as friend , did we went to Nandos with the guys. To be honest , it was Niall's idea.

We went to the nearest Nandos shop and Niall wants to take our orders.

''So what do ladis and gentlman  wants to eat?'' he asked and looked like a real waitres.

'' Some thing with chicken'' i said and smiled.

''All foods here have chicken , but i can choose some thing for you , and trust me , i know what is good ood'' he said and winked to me.

'' When you eat all day and all night it has to be the only thing people can trust you about'' Louis said with a smile.

'' Same thing as allways'' Harry said and gave him the many.

'' We all take the normal things we eat here'' Liam said and took the many from louis and gace it to him.

'' I take same thing as others'' Alex said with a smile and Niall took his many befor he went and orderd.

It became lots of food after the man gave him what we have orderd so I went to help him , befor he droped and smoshed some thing.

’’ Hey, need some help?’’ I asked and grabed some of the plates.

‘’ Thanks’’ he said and smiled ’’ about you sister…’’ he said.

‘’ You havn’t told anyone have you?’’ I asked and looked at him ‘’ please say no , I hate when peoples say, poor you little girl’’ I said and looked at him again.

‘’ No, I havn’t ’’ he said with a smile ’’ but if you want to talk to  some one  you can always come to me ’’ he said.

‘’ It’s not a normal tema I talk about’’ I said and went to our board.

‘’Here is you food guys’’ I said and gave the tree foods I had to Liam,Harry ad loui while Niall put on mine, Alex and his place.  They had baby food there so I started to feed lux and say things like “ her comes the airplane” or “open the garage”

‘’ So  do you guys often eat in ofently places?’’ Alexander asked with a bit food in his mouth.

‘’Not very often but we do it some thimes ‘’ Liam said and played with his food and it was easy to see that he was bored of eating same food again and again.

Right than Harry’s phone started to booze and he took it.

‘’Hello, oh hi zayn , …ok’’ he said and tood the phone away from his ear a minutt ‘’ he wants to talk at speaker ‘’ he explaid befor he sat his phone at speaker mood and we hearded Zayns voice.

‘’Hello lads , ‘’ he said.

‘’Hei Zayn ‘’ they all said loud ‘’ Vas happening?’’ louis asked and laughed at his funnyness.

‘’Hey, that is my line ‘’ Zayn said ‘’ I have a news….’’ He said.

‘’Tell us’’ Niall said and was exited but he didn’t stop eating eather.

‘’Okey, Perrie and I are getting married’’ he said and we could hear girls yelling hippie at the background.

‘’Hoe many perries is shouting back you?’’ I asked sarcastisk and smiled.

‘’Oh, there are her friends ‘’ he explaind with a cold voice that if peole didn’t know they would think I have killed one of his beloved.

‘’Gotte go guys, bye’’ Zayn said and hang up.

‘’That was weird , don’ telling us he is getting married’’Harry said.

‘’So MR. love boy didn’t sow that coming ‘’ I said and fake gasped ‘’ totally disaster’’

‘’I’m wondring too , about that’’ Louis and liam said and Niall shookes his head in agrrement.

‘’So you guys meanes that a groe up guy can’t deside when he want to get married?’’ I asked shouked and looked at them.

‘’ They normaly tell their best buddyies first’’ Alex said.

‘’Maybe he wantet to surprise you’’ I said and triend to change the subject , I still had to tell perrie abou what Zayn did last night , but what if she didn’t belived me?

‘’From earth to Emma , are you listening?’’ Niall asked and smiled at me ‘’ we wonderd if you want to buy the prom or schoole dans or what it is dress now’’ he said.

‘’Yeah okey’’ I said and we went back to shooping senter again, we watched lots of dresses and went in lots of shopes and at the end we desided that my dress was going to be green or blue.

After two hour watching dresses I desided my dress or Niall and Harry did.

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