My choice?

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Emma's POV

It was my choice, either had I to leave by my self and tell paparazi that it's nothing bethween us or wait for Zayn to tell his version of history wich will distroy everythig. but one thing was clear I couldn't tell him my self, he wouldn't belive. Who would he trust  a girl he know just in tree weeks or a friend he knowes in almostly four years? 

A week have gone since we started to daiting in secret, a week have gone since Zayn said he would told him , but tree weeks have been waist of my life. Well not Waist actully, Niall and the other guys have been there i have live he dream of million other girl, but here was the stop I had to leave , It will be much harder for me f he left me than i leave him, and I know I'm selvfish now. I sat on my bed and troght of all of that and i got a selection ; I'm leaving , but I had to talk to Niall first, no I will wright a letter , boys are at reacordig studio today and arn't back before some hour.

After an half and hour the letter was done, I packes my stuff and with a last look to my room i left the place.

I went to a bussstation and sat there, tears was coing out , i looked at the neckles Niall gave me two days ago , it was a golden heart and back her it stood '' from your lover happy birthday''. It was the gift i got two weeks after my birthday, as he said it was a late birthday present. Tears came now streaming down my face and bus arived the station.

Niall's POV

After two hour recording our new song , we got home.

''Emma  we are back''I yelled but didn't get any responst ''Emma, are you ok?''I asked and started to worry. Harry, Louis and I searched up steares while the other searched down. I went stright to her room in hope of finding her sleeping but it was just a hope.

''Niall , you better see this''Liam yelled from downstaires I ran down how fast as I coud and sow him standing ther with a peace of paper in his hand.

''I-I found it on the kitckentable''Liam said adn looked at the ground while giving me the papir '' it's a letter'' he said.

I opend it and read it loud:

Dear Niall,

I'm sorry i left, I had no choice. we all make mistakes in our lifes and I know that it maybe is a mistake to leave you but again I had no choice.

Secrets destroy lots of thing ,I wasn't breave to talk to you or eather tell you. But I want you and the other guys o know that you helped me more than my mother in those weeks, more than my bestfriend, more than I deserved.

I lived my bestfrinds and tusen others dreams by getting loved by you , and I’m sure I did’t deserved that.

Please Niall, I’m bagging you, forget me and the last weeks, i left my phone at you house so I would make sure that you didn’t called me again , don’t wait for me please and I will promise that I wouldn’t wait for you either. Forget the past.

Good bye Niall

I felt tears down my face and I couldn't help it , why did she left , was it my fault? I bet it was.

''Niall, It's ok man , she wasn't worth it'' harry said and pat my back.

''S-she didn't e-even said g-good bye''I said and was kind of sobbing.

''Go and take a break I'm sure you will feel better ''Louis said and him  and Liam helped me up to my room.

Zayn's POV

'Know is both mine and Niall's future saved, the girl is gone , Zayn, but why do you feel sad?' I sat ther on couch and troght to my self ' That is what I wantet, she left and every thing i normal, Niall i going to find a girl again and after some days Emma is just a memory'

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