That night

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Emma's POV

We sat  all evening and watched TV untill the other guys got home. After that we sat around the table and talked.

'' So what should we order ?'' i asked and smiled.

'' Nandos'' Niall suggested.

'' No Niall , not again'' Thay all said and I started to laugh.

'' Guys, what about chines food , new and tasty'' i said and shrugged.

'' Sure , that is a good idea , but you are calling'' Zayn said and handed me the telephone.

'' Okey '' i said and took out my phone from pocket to ind a number to a chines resturant and typed the number at the phone.

'' ehm , hei, is it wok's cooking?'' asked at the phone.

'' yeah , do you want to order some thing or do you have a questions?'' asked a voice witch belonged to a mann around 50-60 years.

'' I want to order some thing , but I'm don't now anything about chines food so can you just come with seks same food to * telling the adress*?''

I said and sat on the sofa.

''6 kung poa chiken are going to be delivered at your door about one hour'' said the old man and ended the convo.

''Dinner is here about one hour or that was wath the old man said ''  said I and gave them the phone back.

''So what should we do until dinner?'' Liam asked and looked at us.

''  I know, i know '' harry said and jumped up and down.

'' What harry ?'' Louis asked and looked at him with a smile.

'' Truth or dare'' harry said and smiled proud.

All the boys was agree and the looked at me and waited for my answer.

'' o- okey .... i guess'' i said with a shy smile.

'' Okey, i will start.'' harry said '' ok , Emma , truth or dare''

'' Truth , always truth '' i said and smiled.

'' Witch one of us would you date?'' he asked and smiled.

''to be honest , none of you'' i said and looked down , i was supoused to tell the truth but i could'nt.'' okey my turn , liam , truth or dare?'' i asked and looked at him.

'' Ehm..... dare'' he said and sat stright up.

'' you have to ..... stright harry's hair'' i said and looked at him with an evil smile.

'' What??!!'' they both said and looked at me.

''You heard my , stright harry's hair'' i said and smiled '' thats why i never choose dare''

'' Okey, harry come '' Liam said and they went up stair to bathroom.

I looked at them and back to the other boys '' do you have a hair straightener in the bathromm?'' i aksed and looked at them.

'' No , but when harry's hair is wet si isn't it curly any more'' Zayn said and smiled.

''So harry is going to come here with wet hair?'' i asked and looked at dem.

'' Yepp , i guess ,'' Niall said and smiled. We sat there and waitet for them in 10 minutes.

'' Guys are you coming or not?'' i yelled after them.

'' We found our old hair strighter and we are done soon'' Harry yelles back.

'' You said you did'n....'' i said but could'nt end my setning before harry and liam was back there.

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