Your Back?!?! [Updated]

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You and Nico eventually departed. He needed time for himself. He was happy you were here but with you hear a lot of memories he didn't want to deal with resurfaced.

You found your cabin. And decided to get situated. That was until you were being crushed in a hug by Clarisse La Rue who used to be your best friend back when you had taken sparring lessons at Camp.

You remember meeting her so vividly too,
It was a bright summer day and Mama said that Chiron needed help with things at camp so of course, you went to help you were walking around when you heard a little girl start to cry (imma make some stuff up pls don't kill me) you immediately dropped the things you were holding and ran to the little girl your motherly aura kicking in 

"Hey what's wrong? Are you okay?" You asked your voice filled with worry. You thought she had gotten hurt or fallen off a horse. But the little girl continued to cry. "Hey hey don't cry. I'm here! What's wrong?" You tried asking again. Lightly pulling the younger girl (You're like 10 and shes 7)

"Leave me alone. I miss my mom!" The little girl cried out. She had been just brought here and had no clue what was happening.

You smiled as warmly as you could. "You'll see her we just need to train you so you can protect her..." you try to reason "It's a scary world out there but you need to be strong. Strong enough to protect the people you love." 
You said trying to calm her down with the power Hestia bestowed on you. But as much as you soothed or tried the little girl would not stop.

"No. You're wrong. I have no one to protect cause she left me. Everyone did." the girl yelled. Her voice breaking. It didn't take a genius to see how hurt she was. And you felt awful as you pulled her into a hug. At first, it was you wrapping your arms around you but soon she hugged back. She buried her head in your neck and sobbed. She cried out over and over again "Why. Why did you leave me." Your shoulder became wet in seconds but you didn't mind. You tried your best to soothe her. You never once asked what she meant by leaving. You decided it was best to just hug her.
Eventually, the little girl calmed down and she soon was sleeping while you held her. You were about to stand up to carry her to a cabin when you felt her hug you tighter 
"Please don't," she said her tear-stained face staring back at yours

"I won't I swear on the River Styx. I won't leave you. What your name little warrior?" You asked softly. She clung harder to you

"Clarisse La Rue" she answered. Lossing all caution towards you.

"Well I am Y/N, Daughter of Hera Promise, to not leave your side, Clarisse La Rue," You smiled holding your hand up and the other over your heart. 

Clarisse laughed. She wiped her stray tears away. "You promise?" she asked holding out her pinky.

"I promise," you respond linking pinkies with her. With a warm smile, you both walked back to your cabin and you hung out for the next 3 months. At the end of summer, you would leave again. A detail you weren't both prepared for.

"My Warrior, you know how much I care for you right?" You asked. A day before summer officially ended.

"Mhmm. You make it pretty obvious." she said with a toothy grin. You were sitting under Thalia's tree. You stop braiding her hair as you look solemnly down. "My warrior it's time for me to go back home"

"But this is your home?" Clarrise stood up. You couldn't leave. You had just arrived how could you leave.

"That is true but...I am needed in Olympus." You take her hand in yours. "But don't worry." You pulled out a small gift box. "I had this made just for you." Clarisse hesitantly opened it. Inside laid a locket. It had the words "I promise" carved on it. 

"This..This is beautiful" Clarisse spoke in a soft voice afraid of breaking such a delicate and thoughtful gift. You showed her that she could use it to contact you whenever she wanted. She reassured you she would be okay with your absence but you know this was too soon for her. She acted tough but you knew she wanted to cry. You and her spent the whole day together. Until finally, you gave her a final hug and you were about to leave for Mt. Olympus when you said

"Go kick ass, my warrior! Make me proud!" You smiled. You knew she would do great things.

"I will." She responded with fiery determination "And I promise you YN. I will get stronger so one day I can protect you" She finished and gave you a tight hug. You laughed and agreed.

After that day she called you every day and told you what she had done that day. WHat goals she accomplished. How many she had beaten. You would occasionally help her on her Quests. The more Clarisse talked with you the stronger she fell into your grasp. She fought for you. She won for you. Clarisse had no way to deny it. She was in love with her childhood best friend.

"Hey, you still here?" Clarrise asked shaking your shoulders a little.

"Yeah. Just thinking about the time we met" You responded with a laugh. While hugging her arms tighter. She had hugged you from behind as her head laid on the crook of your neck. Her hands around your waist.

Clarisse laughed. "Honestly I was such a crybaby as a child. Do you remember how hard I cried after falling in the mud during one of my fights?" She asked you. Making you hum "How could I forget you cried so much you made the other camper cry." Clarisse just scoffed "Serves them right. Maybe next time don't make me shower twice." She joked making you groan "Oh Clarisse gross." You tried getting out of her grasp but she held you tighter. 

"Nonononooonono. I'm marking my territory with my scent. You know like an Alpha." She jokes making you shudder "never say that again." You say half-jokingly.

"Well, what brings you back wifey?" She asked. She prayed to Aphrodite you'd say her. That you missed being with her and that why you returned.

"Well, Zeus said I needed to stay here for a while," You respond and saw Clarisse frown a bit. You wondered if your answer wasn't what she was expecting. "Why? Think you can beat me at sparring?" You raise your eyebrow

She scoffed "Oh please I would do that in my sleep." she responded making you laugh "Right. You on then. You, me spar." You stepped closer to her. She stepped closer to you. Your noses touching "You're on."

Clarisse had a hard time not staring at your lips. At your skin. By the way, your cheeks had a slight tint to them. She got connected back to reality when you screamed "The last one to the sparring match is a Hydra fucker!!" You ran as fast as you could before Clarisse had a chance to catch up. "Hey, no fair you started early" Clarisse ran behind you. You wielded your legs to try harder as you laughed.


Good Night Guyyyyssssss

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