Guest and Defeat

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Your POV

"hello...frank when did you get here?" I asked genuinely afraid of what the boys had planned

"Oh you know one minute I'm shooting arrows the next an angry blushing Nico comes behind me shadow travels me here mumbling something about "if she wasn't so cute she would be dead" and then just left me in the Poseidon cabin till you came..." Frank ended explaining "so want to play a game?" I asked not sure if frank wanted to capture me or hang out "Wish I could really (Y/N) I do but Nico and Percy wanted me to help them so..." Frank looked so conflicted right now it was hard not to laugh, I started running to a window when arms wrapped around me "AHHHHH FRANK LET ME GO YOU BIG PANDA!!!" I started yelling "Do I hear a princessa in distress well here come the Brave and Handsome Knight to save the Beautiful Princessa!" I know that voice "LEO!!!" I yelled in joy "Coming princessa!" Leo said while pulling me away from frank who was distracted by something
Leo and I started running to his bunker where we chose to sit back and had a Doctor Who marathon!!! It was really funny especially when the the tenth doctor came up and I kept rambaling to Leo how cute the 10th doctor was Leo kept getting jealous "I am way cuter then David Tennant!" Leo argued for the hundredth time, I gave up "Yes you are Mr. Valdez" I replied and gave him a kiss on the cheek as sleep took me over

Leo's POV

She kissed me SHE KISSED ME okay Leo calm down its not like she kissed you on the lips BUT STILL SHE KISSED YOU!!! I started fangirling inside my head fangirling? Fanboying? Fanboing? I don't know I was about to fave (Y/N) when I realized she fell asleep on MY SHOULDER my cheeks started turning red and I was pretty sure my hair was in fire "How I wish you were Mrs. Valdez..." I muttered while hugging her closer and starting to fall asleep

Meanwhile outside Nico, Percy, Jason, Frank, Conner and Travis where thinking of a way to get into bunker 9"come on there has to be a way in!" said a very jealous nico "Have any of you tried the code?" Jason pointed out "Hahaha I forgot about that..." Percy replied feeling stupid
*after 2 hours of everyone trying to figure out the password they got in* all of them were shocked to see you cuddling closer to the Latino elf who was also asleep. All the guys were pissed ready to kill the Latino who was so close to you when Percy got an idea...

Authors note
Hey guys I'm back sort I haven't been posting much if I get more than 7 votes I'll update this week!!! Pls vote and comment if you want special time with one of the guys or a one shot or which one you prefer okay stay safe look out for the GORGON BEHIND YOU!!!

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