Chapter 1 " Anticipation"

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The team had been planning this mission for about two weeks (or whatever that is in space-time) now and it has everyone a bit on edge. Everyone was doing their own thing to prepare for the mission.

Shiro was spending time with Black, training, and going over the mission with Allura and Coran (the gorgeous man).

Hunk was tinkering with Yellow, secretly thinking about Shay, cooking, and working with Pidge and Matt on some new tech.

Pidge was hanging out with Keith and training together, talking with Matt about their family (Both), finishing up making Rover 2.0 (R.I.P Rover Died a hero will always be in our hearts) and working with the team's communication links (Coms).

Matt was doing well whatever came to his mind to help out which mostly involved color coding(lol).

Lance was being Lance flirting with Allura and any other breathing and or thing with lips, competing with Keith in fighting (and losing) milking the cow (milkshake maker lol) and being bored.

Allura was talking with the mice about the paladins (the little snitches and or the gossip group) working on her Altaen arcane magic, and taking with the BOM.

Coran was being the gorgeous man.

Keith was well what else, training, training with Pidge, and training with Lance.

The Next Day (Whatever a day is in space-time)

No One's POV

It was time for the mission and everyone was getting in place. Lance was in Blue feeling a bit anxious and nervous.

Blue's POV

My cub is worried about the mission which worries me as well if he is not focused he could get hurt so I did what was right and I gave him a pep talk and gave him some cold air which had always seemed to make him feel better after all, he was my cub, the blue paladin, my blue paladin.

You are going to be fine, relax my cub you have your team and they need you.

Lance's POV (aka the flirt of the team)

I had heard Blue talk to me which helped calm my nerves.

Thanks Blue I don't know what I would do without you I replied.

You won't need to know, I will always be there for you my cub even if I am far away you are my cub and nothing can change the bond that we share.

The talk with Blue had calmed me down and I felt ready to defeat anyone who stood in our way because I felt hopeful, and it was great.

Hunk's POV (aka the angel of the team)

Yellow, Green, Pidge and I where on our way to the back of the ship using the cloaking that Pidge had made to go undetected, and it worked great.

"Hey, Pidge can you show me how you did the cloaking for the lions when we get back,"

I asked Pidge hoping they would say yes.

Pidge's POV (aka the badass of the team)

"Sure, I would love to show you Hunk, that sounds nice"

I smiled at him seeing him jump up and down in his chair on the monitor to the Yellow lion.

"Ok, we are in place Shiro"

I said into the new com system Hunk and I had been working on which improved the distance, quality and now with the ability to talk to a certain person without talking to everyone.

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