Chapter 5 "Sunflower"

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  The top image is something I did for the first chapter a long time ago and I just remembered it so there you go and as you can tell I'm not that great at drawing.

Also, please read part of the bottom text there is something that I think would be fun to try.
No One's Pov

"Pidge! Language!"🖤



"Shiro! What happened!?"💖

"I don't know myself, Princess"🖤

"The lions speed up on their own"💚

"Why though, there is no Gulra ship anywhere"💛

"Hmm, not sure but ehg.. mhhh...mhhhhhhh I can't get Green to turn"💚

"Same with Sun, what about you Shiro?"💛

"Black won't move either"🖤

"Hey, Hunk is Sun the Yellow lion?"💚

"Yep, My shining sunflower"💛

"Ohhh, awwww that's so pure Hunk"💚

"Anyway, Princess we will be there sooner than we thought and Pidge it seems you with be staying with us"🖤




Flashback brought to you by me wondering if I should do a Prinxiety story (Virgil x Roman from the Sander Sides)

Sunflower's Pov

Yellow, don't let the cubs out.

Blue? Where are you? Are you ok? Why can't we let the cubs out we need to find Red and her cub, they could be in danger!

I am on my way to the Den my cub is injured. Red and her cub are fine, they will come back when they can, there has been a change to Red's cub.

Ok, I will tell the others.

                       Thank you, सूर्यकान्ति.
                           Red's POV

Cub, wake up


Cub, we are here

Ok I'm up SK


(Try to guess who it is, it is really easy tho)
Green's Pov

"Hey, Green!"

I turned to look at Yellow

"Yes, Sunny?"

"Still love the name Green, but I just talked to Blue and she said that we need to keep the cubs in the Den."

"Why would we do that? Did Blue say why?"

"No, but she said that her cub is injured and that Red's cub has had some changes."

"Well let's tell Black"

"Ok, Hey Black we need to tell you something"

"Yes, what is it?"

Sun and Green explain what Blue had said to Sun.

"Ok let's head to the Castle now, we need to make sure that Blue and her cub are ok"

No One's POV

The lions sped towards the Castle and arrived at the same time as Blue. The Paladins dashed out of their lions and headed to Blue's Den.
Pidge's Pov

"Come on guys! Uhggg why is he not answering!?"💚

"I don't know Pidge but I'm worried let's just go make sure he is ok."💛

"Paladins! Come quick Lance might need us!"💖

"On the way"💚💛🖤

Time Skip
Coran Coran the Gorgeous Man's Pov

(This could be bad, come on Lance, please be ok)

I am worried sick, Lance is a very important part of the team, they all are but Lance was special. Lance was the one who relived the tension with a joke or a funny action. He was also the only long ranged fighter on the team, yes there is Hunk but he is more of a tank whereas Lance is more agile. Without him.... there would be a big tip in the balance of the team.

"Lance, please be ok"🧡"

Word count 551

Ok so not a very exciting chapter I know but I am on a bit of a time constraint and wanted to get this out. The next chapter will be much better and more exciting I promise.

Please Read

But whoever guesses the mystery person first I willlllll.... hmmm.......

Oh, I will have you pick the name of one of the lions like how Yellow's name is Sunflower. Thank you for reading and again sorry about this chapter.

Also, I just found that there is a Sunflower emoji 🌻, well that's neat.

"Yay, I get my own emoji😸"🌻

"Welp, Ima go and calm Sunflower down now. Bye!


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