Chapter 3 "Where Are They?"

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Pidge's POV

"Lance, Keith you there?"💚

"They are not answering, Pidge can you track their coms to see where they are?"🖤

"Ya, one sec"💚

Hunk was freaking out. Shiro, Hunk, and I had left the Galra ship but when we landed on a planet we noticed we were missing two lions.


"Good work guys, the mission was successful"🖤

"Umm guys, where are Keith and Lance"💚


"Hunk calm down we are probably just ahead of them, lets breath and wait for them ok?"🖤

"Ya... YA, your right Shiro they just got into a competition on who could do more flips!"💛

"Ya, those two are so competitive in everything"💚

"Exactly they are fi- 🖤

"But what if they're not, like what if they got trapped on the ship or what if they got lost maybe they got thrown into space ... WITHOUT THERE SUITS OH NO, Or what if they are on their way to Zarkon right now PIDGE WHAT DO WE DO!!!!?!???"💛

(He is so caring that I think that he would freak and start rambling about bad things that could happen)

Flashback end

"That's strange"💚

"What is it Pi-"🖤


"Hunk, calm down, Pidge what is strange?"🖤

"Well, umm I can't get Keith's signal"💚

"What About Lance"💛

"Well, it says that he is heading toward-"💚

Out of the corner of my eye, I see something fly by, and it was blue, wait it IS Blue

"Guys look"💚

Shiro and Hunk turn around now facing the same way as me

"Is that Blue?"🖤

"Oh thank goodness Lance is ok"💛

"But wait why did he not meet us here and ..... Where is Keith"?💚

Words 282

Sorry for the long, long, long, long, etc. absence, I had some stuff going on when I wrote this so I never posted it, later I just didn't feel like writing so I didn't, bad excuse I know but now I feel like I am going to start posting more, this is also because I saw that 100 people have viewed it and I know that is not much considering this was posted a long time ago but seeing that made me happy so thank you, people! Now I know that basically, no one is going to read this but I like to write these kinds of things sometimes.

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