Your...Voice (part 1)

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'Such a little Vixen aren't you my dear?'
"I will send a fully armed battalion, to remind ya of my love~"
I gently woke up to hear dice singing something..from Hamilton?
I smiled and hugged him tighter.
God he had an amazing voice, it was so deep...soothing and booming.
I felt a hand pet and play with my hair.
Guessing that it was dice made me turn red.
"Awake now Dolly?"
I shook my head and kept my eyes closed.
I heard him chuckle deeply.
"Cmon Doll face we don't have all day..."
He sat up still holding me in his arms.
"Why not?" I asked still sleeping.
I Nuzzled my head into his chest.
"Do I have to make you wake up?" He asked in a seductive voice.
I held back a giggle and opened my one eye looking into his sweet emeralds.
His face has a light shade of pink as I said
"make me"
He laughed again and pushed me off of him and the quickly pinned me to the bed with
my hands trapped under his above my head.
My face wasted no time until it went red.
He laughed at me and moved one of his hands to my side whilst still on top.
His smile intensified as we kept eye contact.
He then starts to tickle me.
"What?! No-oo!" I shouted at him as he continued his attack.
I was laughing so hard I kept laughing silently at times.
"You awake yet, princess?"
I nodded laughing.
"I can't hear you, princess, ~"

"I'm awake!I'm awake!"I screamed through my laughter.
He chuckled to himself and lifted me up by my waist and settling me down on his lap.
Why am I...feeling like...this?
My face turned a bright shade of red as I Nuzzled into his chest.
He raised his hand and patted the top of my head,
" OK princess, I need ya to get changed for me I'll be waiting outside...just call my name when you're ready"
I nodded happily and watched as he vanished.
I go up and well since I didn't have anything to change into or sort myself out with, I just finger brushed my hair so at least I look half decent at most.
When I finished I looked around for him and then I realized he told me to say his name when I'm done.
I sighed taking a deep breath,
he wants me to sing and dance for one half of my job and then probably keep me judging people lives...well that's what it seemed like what I'm doing in the library.
"King..D-dice?" I stuttered.
God what's gotten into me today?! why am I feeling like this now?!
Then *poof*he appeared before me with a dapper smile which falters slightly whilst looking at me.
"You only have done your hair princess"
I shrugged and pointed around the room "I have nothing but these books and stamps remember?"
He nods his head and placed his hand on his chin in deep thought.
I was about to question it when he clicked his figures as if he had an idea.
"Well that just won't do, princess, after today you will have your own room"
My face lit up and as soon as he saw my reaction his lit up as well.

King Dice × Reader (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now