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You sit on the edge of the bed, leg bouncing impatiently.
Dice has left earlier to get some food before we hit the scientist guy...he is the last one.
"Where is he?" You mutter letting a sigh escape your lips.
He's left before sundown and now its almost past midnight.
Your hair was let down loosely as a knock was heard from at the door.
You raised a brow unexpecting the sudden knock once again but louder.
You walked over to the door peering through it.
You cheered loudly as you slammed open the door and enveloped her into a massive hug happy to see her.
"ROSY I MISSED YOU!!" You whined as you hugged her tightly.
"Same! What's been going on?."
You tilted your head confused.
"What do you mean? You were there at the meeting.."
She nodded and then took a step back away from me, looking confused.
"That was ..almost a year ago Y/N"
You shook your head laughing lightly.
"Impossible we've only been out for a month at most!"
She sighed gently,"I have also been speaking to the manager downstairs, apparently you have been in this room for a month"
Shock rushed over me as I grabbed rosy and ran outside.
"DICE WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?" You called out into the streets.
"Woah calm down Y/N"
You sent a glare at her, "I have just found out i have been in that room for a month that felt pike a day! Do not tell me to calm down"

"Y/N! Dice has been been missing for 8 months himself! We thought you both died for godsake ."

You sat there lost and confused.

What have been going on?..

King Dice × Reader (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now