Part One- Audition

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I walk into the audition room full of nerves. What do I say to them? Ive never auditioned for anyone before, what if I mess up and they laugh? I could feel my nerves building up as I walked out onto the stage with my ukulele in hand. They were sitting trying to look serious, but they were smiling, I was glad as the managed to calm my nerves down. It was like they were saying ‘your okay, just play’ I managed to squeeze a wee smile out as ashton asked “whats you name?” and I reply “Ciara” he smiles at me as michael asked “what song are you playing for us?” my nerves start to show again as I mix up “get gotta out” which makes them laugh as I blush and say “I mean gotta get out, sorry” i look to luke, my rolemodel, looking at me eager to hear me play. I lift up my ukulele and start to play as I feel sweat forming on my face. Luckily, I did not have to sing, just play, which was much less stressful as I have played gotta get out hundreds of times and I know it. Half way through I look up to see them smiling and moving along to my tune. I was suddenly full of confidence as I looked up and played better as I felt better about playing. When the song came to an end, calum stood up and clapped which made me blush. It was a slow clap, a ‘wow’ clap if you know what I mean. Just after, michael, luke and ashton did the same as I stood on the stage looking to the ground filled with proudness and embarrassment. Once they finished clapping, I look back up feeling more confident about myself as ashton says to me “wow, you are amazing at that, when did you start to play?” I cleared my throat as I replied “just under a year ago, I got this for my birthday last year” pointing to my ukulele, that I named liara. I smiled to ashton as his faced filled with amazement as luke butted in “wait, what, you must have a lot of talent to get that good in less than a year” I thought my ears were playing tricks on me, did luke hemmings just say I had talent, I started to blush more as I replied “thank you” and looked to the ground again feeling unconfortable being showered with compliments, especially by my heroes. My thoughts start to drift as I think of the first time I heard their music from youtube and basically fell in love. Ever since they have been my rolemodels but for some reason luke has always meant more to me. Maybe it was because he started the youtube channel and they boys joined him, I don’t know, but I just knew that he did. When I realised I was daydreaming I quickly snapped out of it as I saw the wave of ashtons hand and someone shouting “Ciara, are you okay?” and I try and find where the voice is coming from, it was calum. I nod and look to the gorund again saying “sorry, Im just so shocked to be here and hearing some of the things you are saying” which made them smile. I was about to walk off stage when michael shouted “Ciara, did you not hear us? Your our new member” I stopped in my tracks. Did he just say what I think he said? I jumped off the stage and ran over to them and hugged the closest person to me which was ashton. He laughed is cute laugh and said “welcome to the 5sos crew!” just hearing those words made me ecstatic. I jumped about and then looked at them saying “thank you so much, you will not regret this, I will do anything to make you guys happy” just then my phone buzzed with a tweet from @5SOS saying “we have some exciting news for you guys shortly, stay tuned!” I started to shiver as the big news was me. I was their news. It made me smile so much. I can call myself a member of 5 seconds of summer. I smiled as I read the tweet and then michael grabbed my phone off me looking at it saying “guys, she had us on notifications!! How sweet is that?” I could tell that this was what it was going to be like for a while before I settled in but I didn’t care. I shouted to michael “give it back, so what? I am a fan!” which makes them all smile as ashton shouts “group hug!” the boys circle around me not letting me move so I end up just standing in the centre of the huddle looking up at them as they look down at me. Calum then adds “you might need to wear heels on stage though Ciara” which earns him my first glare to the boys. I could tell this was going to be amazing. 

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