Part Nine- Surprises

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I rolled my eyes and stared at my boys. How could he not tell me what was going on? It was my birthday! I needed to know what was happening. This wasn’t fair. They all stand up to leave the room and say “get dressed, we are getting breakfast!” they shut the door and I stared about the room, looking at all the wrapping paper and cards lying all over the floor. I walk over to my ukulele and start strumming our single. It sounded so much better on this one as it did on my old one, I was in love.

I start to smell smoke getting confused at where it was coming from, then I realise that there is four teenage boys trying to make breakfast in my kitchen, I was surprised they managed to make mine without burning the house down. I ran through and saw that they were all watching TV and bread burned in the toaster. I banged to pans together to get their attention and they ran into the kitchen trying to flap away the smoke.

I went back to my room and jumped in the shower. It was relaxing, the warm water sprinkling onto my skin. It calmed me. I reached for my towel as I turned off the shower seeing Luke standing in the doorway. I couldn’t help but smile, he just made me so happy. He walked over to me and hugged me, he was still only in his boxers, hadn’t bothered to get some clothes on yet. I looked up at him as he looked down at me, he gave me a kiss which slowly started to turn into his tongue in my mouth. I broke the kiss as I walked into our room and looking through my closet at what to wear. Luke hugged me from behind “is that all I’m allowed to give me girlfriend on her birthday?” I turned around, his hand still on my hips saying “yes” and push him off going back to looking at outfits for the day. The boys basically share everything, even boxers, it’s quite disgusting. I put on some black skinny jeans and a band tee (kind of the bands uniform) and started drying my hair. It was so long it takes hours to dry.

After an hour and a half it’s finally dry enough to just go. I go through into the kitchen and grab any leftovers I can, heading for the door where the boys are waiting on me. Michael moans “be glad it’s your birthday or we would have dragged you out an hour ago ready or not” I giggled and shove a strawberry in my mouth and reply “good thing it’s my birthday then” and grinned at him earning a scowl. We jumped into the car as everyone got their headphones out and went on their phones, me doing the same. I started to look out the window, suddenly realising that so much has changed. London is where I live, not Glasgow anymore. My old friends are distant memories, still talking to them from time to time but other that the odd phone call to my parents the boys are my human contact. Well, them and producers and managers and crew. Today they were recording amnesia, for their video. If wasn’t needed in this song but the boys really wanted me in the video, so I’m one of the girls they hang about with. It’s amazing, watching them sing and play like they were born to, which they were. They are just so talented at this. I used to have stage fright, well just letting anyone hear me play in general. Being in the band has changed that, I conquered my fear thanks to them. I sat in the control room admiring the boys.

When they were finished and we were back in the car. I saw Ashton whisper something to the driver and we take a right going in a totally different direction from our flat. I didn’t hear what Ashton said since I was in the back with Luke but I was pretty sure it had something to do with today being my birthday. Luke looks at me and grins, knowing what was going to happen. I roll my eyes “okay where are you guys taking me? This is kidnapping!!” which just made them all laugh. I roll my eyes and look out the window trying to figure out where we are going. Before I even realise we are starting to slow down and a blindfold is put on me and someone is holding my hand stopping me from taking it off. “Okay this is a bit for now why can’t I see? Just tell me where we are going” I hear Michael from behind me saying “no chance!” which just makes me even more worried that I should be. The person who is holding me hands, who I now discover is Luke said “there is stairs now” so I step up and start to walk up them still no clue where I am or where I’m going. I hear footsteps and then Luke says “there’s a chair behind you, sit down”, I do what he says. He lets go of my hands and lifts the blindfold off as I hear loads of people shouting “SURPRISE!!” I look around the room and my friends and family from Scotland are standing before me in what looks like a laser tag place. I smile and run over to my parents and hug them, then seeing my friends and running to hug them all too, before returning to the boys hugging and thanking them. Calum interrupts “don’t thank us yet, you’re about to be dead by a laser!” and they all run and grab guns and go and hide. I was left alone in the room with one gun left.

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