Part Two- First Practice

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I walked into my first band practice and there was streamers everywhere. I just had to laugh, I had to, and it would have been cruel for me not to. There they were, my band mates trying to give me a party for coming to our first band practice that actually according to them was another reason to get drunk and celebrate. I picked up a balloon from the floor and it read “happy first band practice Ciara” in black sharpie ink. I don’t even think the boys noticed me coming in. I popped a balloon to get their attention and all I heard was Ashton scream which lead us all into fits of laughter. It was a week after the boys had chosen me and I was already getting really close to them. Ashton scowled at me when he realised it was only a balloon and said “not funny Ciara” as we were all trying to contain our laughs. Ashton turned to face the wide smirked boys and said “okay, fine it was funny” and it set us off again. They were much funnier than I thought, yea, I mean I watched keeks and live-streams but they are totally different in person. We hadn’t yet announced that I was in the band, I think we wanted to think of a really awesome way. I wasn’t allowed to tell anyone and I had to lie about where I was going and that I was with our heroes. I hated lying, especially to other fans. My ukulele was getting used so often now as Ashton wanted me to teach him a few chords cos he that it was cute and small. I hadn’t yet asked the boys why the wanted a ukulelist in the band. I wanted to ask them, see how long I was staying, if short or long term, but I wanted to get to know them first. The band ‘practice’ turned into a party and a thinking session of ways to tell the fans about our big news (me). We brainstormed for maybe half an hour then Michael interrupted by getting the idea to dress up in costumes to help and it kind of spiralled out of control from there. I didn’t want to be the one to tell them that we had to do this and that, well not since they had only known me for a week, so I just went with it and enjoyed their madness. After about an hour of all 4 of them chasing me in costumes trying to act scary (they weren’t) Luke finally said “okay guys, we should really think of a way to tell our fans now” which made us all fall silent as we knew it was true. Luke looked at me and said “ciara, how do you want people to know? We are telling them about you…” I pause and think for a moment. How do I want the fans to find out? I mean I am/was a fan, how would I want to know? I suggest “how about we do a live-stream and it just starts off with the 4 of you, then it cuts out for a minute and I'm sitting there too with someone holding a sign saying ‘welcome to the band’ facing me? I don’t know it’s the best I can think of” Michael buts in and says “yes that will work as most of our live-streams fail at some point and then they would get a surprise when we come back” ashton shouts “lets do it!! When do we want to do it?” and Luke says “tomorrow night? 7pm?” we all nod and then Luke tickles me and I fall down and they all pile on top of me. I was laughing so much I wasn’t thinking of all the nerves that might build up to the moment where the fans see me for the first time. I was getting squished by 4 6ft something boys that eat until they are about to explode, lets just say, I was struggling to breathe. They finally rolled off me and all i could do was cough and pant as I was out of breath from them tickling me and nearly squashed by 4 giants. Not my finest moment with them. Luke gives me his hand and helps me up, I take it willingly and wipe the dust off me. I couldn’t wait for the fans to know our big news. 

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