~ Chapter 61 ~

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I finished and I walked out with the towel around my body. My phone rang telling me I had a face time coming in. I picked it up. "Hello," I said. "Hey babe," Jason said. "HEY BABE IS THAT ALL YOU'RE GONNA SAY?!" I yelled. "Look I'm sorry okay, I need this deal to go through, I'm sorry for not saying goodbye to you I'm sorry for putting you in danger, I'm sorry for everything," he said. "A-are you going to miss the birth of this child," I asked him. "I-I dunno baby," he said. I felt a tear go down my cheek. "Mkay stay safe," I whispered. "You too baby," he said. I hung up and got changed. I went downstairs to hearing someone play the piano. I looked at Austin he was playing the piano.

"What's wrong," I asked him. "M-my sister got kicked out of the house," he sighed. "Do you love her," I asked her. He nodded. "You know, if you wanted I could let her stay her," I suggested. "I know but she's a handful," he sighed. "Dealing with your guy's daily boners that are very noticable, I think having a girl is amazing," I said. "Let's have her over first," he said. I nodded. " I'll go call her," he said. I nodded. "Hey question," he said. I nodded. "Where did you learn to fight," he said. I laughed. " I knew a little before I came here...this girl bullied me constantly till I hit her one day," I said laughing at the memory. " I bet you beat her ass up," he smirked. " I don't let anyone just get pass me," I said. He lughed. "Get your ass upstairs and call her," I said. "If you're like this now imagine when you give birth or when you're back to normal and you have you period," he said. "I'm satan bitches," I said. "But you look like heaven," he commented. "AWW! That's so sweet," I said. He smirked at me. Then we heard the floor start shaking. "OMG," I said. "I'm way to old to be doing this," I said. The guys laughed at me. I looked over to see everyone downstairs besides the two couples who are shaking the whole house. " I would say earthquake super loud but then the hippo's upstairs won't hear me anyway," I said walking to the kitchen. I sighed. "GUY'S GET READY TO TRAIN!" I yell. They went upstairs to go change. They all came downstairs wearing no shirts showing off their abs. "My god after this child comes out I am gonna need to workout," I said. I went downstairs the boys following me. "Get partners," I ordered. I cracked my neck and knuckles. "Okay basic sparring for the guys the older ones or Jason's brother's advanced," I said. Austin and Jace went up on the mat first. "No dick kicks I don't feel like treating any of those anytime sooner," I said. "3...2...1! START!" I yelled. The guys tackled each other. It's been 20 minutes since their fight. "STOP!" I yelled. They both fell to the mat breathless. "Mkay work on your blocks Jace Austin more speed," I said. They both nodded and went to the training room. The next two came up and they started fighting, I was teaching the boys some basic moves. They nodded and went to go work on the moves. "STOP!" I yelled. The boys groaned and fell onto the mat. "Go take a shower and I will go massage your backs if you don't need one do whatever you please," I said. I went upstairs and grabbed a box of Lucky Charms. I ate it dry. Then I watched some movies and started crying. I was a hot mess. I wiped my tears but they wouldn't stop coming down. The girl's saw me and quickly came over to me and hugged me. "What's wrong," Alyessa asked me. "Cinderella doesn't deserve to be treated like that," I said crying. I could feel them chuckle. "It's not funny," I said. "WHO MADE HER CRY?!" I heard someone yell. I looked at the door and saw an angry Jason. I ran over to him and hugged him. "Hey, sweetheart," he said. "Now who made her cry," he asked again. "Cinderella," Maya said. I could feel him chuckle too. I punched his chest and he groaned. I went upstairs and I went inside the guys rooms and they were all asleep. Except Austin he was talking to his sis. "You tired them out today," Jason said. I nodded. " I thought you weren't suppose to be back-" " I did the deal and went through," he said. I nodded not asking questions. I went inside the room and I laid down on the bed. Jason laid right next to me. I sighed. "Why does your breath always smell like mangoes," he asked. " I dunno," I replied. "Yours always smells like mint," I said kissing his lip. I pulled back and I got under the covers. Then we both fell asleep. A few hours later moaning and the house shaking started again. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" everyone yelled. I laughed and went back to bed.I woke up the next morning to feeling the baby kick. I groaned. "Are you okay babe," Jason muttered. I nodded. "Why did I agree to have kids again," I asked. "Oh wait I didn't," I suddenly remembered. "You're doing amazing babygirl," Jason said. "Yeah, so will you when you're in the hospital room with me when I am breaking your hand," I said to him getting up up. I brushed my teeth and changed and everything else.

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