~Chapter 21~

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I went upstairs to go shower and everything. But I realized that my room doesn't have a bathroom in it, and I don't want to use Jason's. I walked out of my room and saw Aydan. "AYDAN!" I yelled. "Sup'" he said. "Can I borrow your bathroom, I need to go shower but my room doesn't have one yet," I said. He nodded. "You're gonna stay outside your room," I warned him. He sat down in front of his door. "Good boy," I said. I went into his room and started stripping. I quickly took a shower so he doesn't sit outside for too long. I wrapped my body in a towel since I forgot new clothes. I just let my hair air dry. I walked to the door and opened it. Then Aydan screams and falls down. "OMG! ARE YOU OKAY!" I asked him. He doesn't answer me and I realized I was in a short towel and he fell right on my feet. I quickly moved so his head wasn't on my foot anymore. "You got a rocking bod," he said getting up. "Thanks," I said blushing. "AWW! Looks who blushing now," he said. I rolled my eyes. "Thanks," I said. I quickly ran down the hallway, to my room. When I opened it, all the boys were inside. "WHAT THE FUCK!" I yelled. "WOAH!" all the boys said together. "Well, this is totally normal," I muttered. "Please turn around while I wear something," I said. They all turned around. I quickly slip on something.

 I quickly slip on something

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"Okay," I said. They all turn around. And their mouth's drop open. "Well," I said. The guys cheer. I laughed. "Okay, we better start working on this room or another accident is going to occur," I said. Then Aydan rushes in here. "What," I asked. "We have a situation called crazy ass bitch is screaming her head off," Aydan said. I sighed. "THIS GIRL IS GONNA BE THE DEATH OF ME!" I yelled storming out of the room. The guys follow me downstairs, as soon as I reach the bottom floor I hear screaming. "SHUT UP! WHY DON'T YOU LIKE ME?!" Allison was yelling. "BECAUSE I LOVE SOMEONE ELSE I MADE ONE HORRIBLE MISTAKE AND NOW I AM TRYING TO GET RID OF YOU!" Jason yelled back. Then I heard something shatter. "THAT BETTER NOT BE ONE OF MY PLATES!" I yelled. I opened the kitchen door and I saw Jason on the floor bleeding. "DID YOU JUST THROW A PLATE AT HIM?!" I yelled. Her eyes turned to me and she threw the plate at me. I caught it with one hand. "DON'T EVEN TRY!" I yelled at her. I handed the guys the plate. And I ran towards her in a dress and in black heels. IMPRESSIVE! I reached her and I grabbed her by the hair. I pulled on it super hard and she grunted. She quickly grabbed a hold of my dress and pulled it down. "OH WE GONNA FIGHT THIS WAY!" I yelled. I grabbed her by the head and flew her onto the couch. I jumped over and I was currently on top of her, hitting her head against the hard spot on the couch. "YOU KNOW GUYS YOU COULD HELP INSTEAD OF STARING!" I yelled at the guys who were just watching us. They all quickly ran and grabbed a hold of her. I sighed. "Never wear heels to a fight!" I said panting. Allison was squirming. I pulled my fist back and launched forward at her and she fainted. I heard a groan behind me and I looked at Jason who was still bleeding. I quickly ran over to him and saw the glass in his chest. "Damn, that must hurt," I said. I grabbed a hold of his shirt and ripped it open. "Sorry," I said. "Yo where's the doctor," I asked them. "Day off," Jace said. "What kind of gang lets their doctors a day off, when an attack could happen anytime," I scoffed. "Ours," Jason chuckled. I shook my head in laughter. "Okay this might sting just a little," I said to him. He nodded. I used my nails and try to get the glass out of his chest. "EWW!" I groaned. "You are never gonna be a doctor," Jason said to me. 'Well, look who is saving your life," I smirked at him. His eyes widen. "You are the best doctor in the whole world," he said. "I know I am," I said. "Yo go fetch me some supplies needed for stitches," I said to the guys. "Did you just refer us to dogs," Chase asked. "No, but now I am, now go bitches," I said. "Yes ma'me," Chase said. While we were waiting I got bored so I started singing. Then someone threw the string and needles at me. I looked at the guys and stuck up my middle finger. 

I was still singing while stitching Jason up. After the last stitch I got up and I threw the string at Chase. "Karam's a damn bitch," I said. "Was that necessary," Chase said rubbing his chest. "Don't throw things at me and everything will be fine, but you like to test me," I said. Jason chuckled. "I need to talk to you Madi," Jason said. He hasn't called me that since the girl arrived. I nodded.  The guys were still holding the girl. "This girl is heavy," Aydan whinned. I laughed. "Pass her to me," I said "Are you sure," he asked me. "You wanna end up like Allison," I asked him. He quickly passed her to me. "Be right back," I said holding her bridal style. "If I drop you, it's your fault for eating so much," I warned Allison. She was still unconscious so... I walked downstairs with her to the hospital room and I quickly put her on a bed and handcuff her hands and legs on the bed. "Stay," I said. I walked out of the room. "Nurse make sure this girl doesn't get out of that room, no visits her but me and Jason," I told her. She nodded. I walked back upstairs and the guys were standing there. "Boss needs you," Chase said. I nodded. I walked up to his office. I walked right in and everything was back to normal. I almost burst into tears seeing this room again. "You needed me," I said to him. "No, I need you," he said softly. "Again you chose her," I said above a whisper. "And let me tell you that was the worse decision I have ever made. I chose her every single time, no matter if I was in a relationship or not. She was my first love, she broke my heart by the same way I did to you. But I always forgive her seeing her face, It makes me mad. Every girl has always listened to her even if they were with me. But you were different you stood up to her. You didn't listen to me when I told you to stop, you fought for yourself and others. And that's what made me realize that I just lost someone important in my life, for something that's worth 100 times less than you," he said. He was sniffling...wait was he crying!!! I walked up to him, and I lifted his chin so I was looking into his eyes. I smiled at him. He closed his eyes and snuggled my hand with his face. "Please forgive me," he said. "Jason... look this happened once and I don't want to happen a second time," I started. "But it won't," he pleaded. "How do you know that," I asked him. "Because you're too special to lose," he said. "How do I know that when another girl comes back you won't do the same thing again?" I asked him. "Okay if you give me a second chance and if I break your heart the same way I did right now, then you are free to go," he said. "F-free," I studdered. He nodded. "What if I don't want to leave," I asked him. He looked at me. "Then you can stay here and flirt with any here and date anyone," he sighed. I nodded. "You really want this second chance don't you," I asked him. "More than anything in the world," he said. "Then okay," I said.

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