Chapter Twenty-Four

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I was walking around shopping with Amber "Girl what about this lace dress?" Amber said holding it up "I think it would look good on you.." I look at the dress it had lace all on the dress but the lace on stomach part was see through and I put it down "Just try it on baby momma" Amber said putting the dress back in my clothes pile I went in the dressing room and I put on the dress and I looked at my stomach "I'm getting fat.." I said staring at my stomach, My pregnant belly was getting bigger and today I find out the sex of the baby, I stared at my stomach harder and I sighed and looked at my body in full, my thighs were getting full, my face was getting full my hands were getting fat I sighed wiping my eyes and Amber knocked on the door "Everything alright boo?" she called out over the door "Yeah.." I said still staring at myself barely recognizing myself "You got the dress on?" she asked "Yeah.." I said "Well open up the door and let me see shit" I twisted the doornob and opened it and Amber smiled "You betting work bish! yaas!" Amber said clapping I fake smiled and walked back in the dressing room and I put back on my regular clothes and I purchased my stuff and we started walking towards the exit "You alright boo? you've been kinda mellow and quiet for the past months" I shrugged "I'm alright.." I lied "Just waiting on the baby to come" I said Amber stared at me "You sure?" she asked "Yeah,  I am I'm just trying to just birth the baby and go back to work" I started walking towards my car "I'll see you later on today Amber" She nodded and walked off to her car and I got in my car and I drove to my August's house and I saw him sitting on the porch eating Ice cream with Aliyah, I parked my car and I got out ny bed "Mommy!" Aliyah screamed running up hugging me and kissing my belly "Hi baby!"  she said rubbing my belly and sitting back on the porch

After I put my clothes up and I came back outside and Aliyah was playing in the yard and I sat down next to August "What time is the appointment?" he asked grasping my hand "Uh.." I said looking at my watch "It's at two thirty-five" he nodded "Oh alright..We find out the sex of the baby today right?" I nodded  "You are correct.." I said watching Aliyah play and dance in the yard "What do you want?" I asked "A boy or a girl" he said "August am I fat?" I asked bluntly "Come again?" he asked looking at me "Am I fat?" I asked again "No your're pregnant so of course you are gonna gain some weight LaTavia" I sighed rolling my eyes, August pulled me into him "Stop it, You're just hormonal baby that's all" he said kissing my cheek "You don't gotta tell me I'm getting fat August.." I said looking down at my thighs "LaTavia stop that shit you're not getting fat" he snapped "You don't got yell at me" I said tears rimming my eyes "I'm sorry you just acting off I notice you been cutting your portions in half and still be hungry LaTavia you can't be doing that you pregnant i'm not about to watch you kill yourself and this baby.." he said "I just don't be as hungry as much August that's all" I said picking my nails "Don't lie to me LaTavia I know you not eating as much, do you want this baby?" I looked at him "Yes I do I'm not killing my baby August" I said  "Then why in the hell you not eating?" he asked "I-I don't know I'm just cautious about my weight that's all" August huffed "Your forgetting about my damn baby LaTavia! You starting  to piss me off" he said raising his voice "Okay,  I'm sorry August" I said he stood up off the porch and he helped me stand up and walk to the car

We arrived at the Doctor's office and  I unbuckled my seat belt, August dropped Aliyah off at my mom's house and he helped me in to the office and I sat down and I pulled out a granola bar and I ate on that and August was texting on his phone "Yo, My mom wants to meet y'all..."  I crumbled up the wrapper "I'm not good at meeting new people August I'll be quiet as hell" I said as he rested his hand on my stomach "LaTavia she gotta know the woman that's birthing her grandchildren she'll love you compared to all the other girls I brought home to New Orleans" I sighed "August I know but I don't want her to think I'm using you because I have a daughter and you taking care of her I just don't want her to see me as a opportunist and I also don't want her to smile in my face and diss me later on" August looked at me and kissed my lips "My ma is good people she understands the struggle of being a single mother and working her ass off to support hers" I nodded "Yeah, Okay when does she wanna meet me?" August hunched his shoulders "I don't know anytime I guess if the Doctor can let you fly probably sometime next week" I nodded and stood up as the nurse called my name and I walked in the room "You coming to find out the sex of the baby?" I nodded "Alright..."  she said taking my blood pressure and oxygen and walked out I sat on the bed sighing and August looked around the Doctor's office particularly the baby pictures and the Doctor came in the room "Finding out the sex of the baby, yes?" I nodded "Alrighty then you know the procedure" the doc said clapping his hands I laid back and lifted up my shirt as he applied the jelly and he moved the wand around August looked at the screen "Interesting..." the Doctor said scooping around my stomach "What?" I asked getting scared "Looks like you're conceiving twins a boy and a girl to be exact.." he said "I-I thought I was only having one child" I said "Yeah I thought that too, but it seem like your last ultrasound your baby was hiding from us, but it looks like you're conceiving twins miss.Stevenson" before I could get another word in the Doctor typed something on the computer and jetted out the room

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