I Heard That He's Gay

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Am I...dreaming right now...?




...don't remember?"


"Why is he...?


The heck...? That was a weird dream...
I grabbed my phone to check the time. 8:40am!!! Gahh! I'm doomed! I have class first period...! Crap why didn't the alarm go off?!

I got ready as fast as I could and started to head towards the art and design center for my first class.

Man that's weird...I don't see him that often...why did he show up in my dream?

"YO!" -James

Slap. (To the back) -James

"Class starts soon aren't you going to run?" -James

"Geez you scared me!" -Frank

"You live so close by and you're always late-" -James

"So are you-" Frank

My name is Frank Iero (23).

I'm a sophomore at Ganzi University, Majoring in Graphic Design.

"Dude you may have finished your military service, but your still as slow as ever. Ready for the pictogram presentation for class?" -James

And this is my best friend James Deewes (23).

He's also a sophomore majoring in Graphic Design, like me.

"I did prepare for it but I don't know, I'm having a hard time getting use to everything again since I came from school ..." I answered.

"Lol. It'll be fine right?" James said.

"Haa...are any of our old classmates taking this class?" I asked.

"Hm? Quite a few actually. Ah that Gerard Way is in this class too." He said annoyed.

"Hey, about Gerard Way... what do you know about him?" I asked calmly.

"Why? You know how much I hate him." He responded angrily.

"Hey...! Keep it down...!" I whispered.

Why do you get all sensitive when he comes up?

-When the text is like this he is thinking to himself. And when it's bold and like that it means its a flashback or dream-

"Okay I didn't tell you before because it was so embarrassing...but remember how I did a group project with him when we were freshman?" He said and started to explain the story.

"It was when were trying to decide on the topic."

"Hey Gerard! What did you just say?!" -James

"I said , with something pathetic as that, there's no way we'll get good grades." -Gerard

"And you? Do you really have to talk like that??! And how great of an idea do you have?!" -James

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