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A week later

You go to walk in the alibi room just to hang out. You Lip and Ian are walking there. You hope that Mickey will be there just so you can see him. You think your developing something for this kid. You really don't want to but you think you are.

You guys arrive there and chill for a couple of hours until Mickey walks in. When you see him your face lights up. You turn and act like you didn't see him. You see lip and Ian smirking at you and you just smile. You feel a head on your shoulder and lips on your ear.

Mickey whispers to you.

"Hey sweet cheeks"


He turns you around and smiles at you. You all hang out for another hour until some super drunk guy starts making a scene of himself.

"This is bullshit!" He shouts throwing his bottle on the floor.

"Fuck you!"
He falls on the floor

You can tell he's super fucked up. Your trying so hard not to laugh. You look at Mickey Lip and Ian and you can see they are also holding in their laughter. You just can't hold it in any longer and start laughing. He walks up to you.

"And what are you laughing at, cutie" the guy smirks . Mickeys face turns serious right away.

"Nothing" you laugh again
"You wanna get out of here?"

Your face turns into disgust as you raise your eyebrows "no thanks asshole" you laugh as he turns angry. Mickey walks up to him.

"She dosent want to go anywhere with you" Mickey growls getting in this face. "How would you know? Is this any of your business" He says back to Mickey.

"Yeah, it is"

He walks closer to me. I notice he has a gun attached to his belt and so does Mickey and everyone else in the bar. He reaches for his gun and pulls it out at me. His finger about to pull the trigger as Mickey pulls you out of the way. The rest of the world is gone, while your in mickeys arms. You both are staring into each others eyes for about a minute. You realized a Milkovich had just saved your life. (A/n LMAO THATS SO CRINGE)

You hear Kev talking but your zoned out until he wakes you both from your day dream. You notice the guy on the floor in hand cuffs.

"Jesus Y/n,didn't know your hearing was so bad" Kev smirks at gives you a joking wink.

"Yeah, I guess it is" you smile

You say still looking into mickeys eyes as you break from his arms. You see Ian and Lips smiling big at you. And you give them a 'Shut the fuck up' smile.

"Wanna go someplace else y/n ?"

"Yeah" You smile at him

You wave goodbye to Ian and Lip.

"So, where exactly are we going?" You ask

"There's this abandoned building that I always go to just to drink, thought we could hang out there". You nod your head while you guys start to walk.

You guys arrive at the building and notice there are a couple of blankets on the floor. You see Mickey get a beer as you sit down on the blankets. He sits next to you and he has a gun.

"Why do you have a gun?" You ask while laying back. "You wanna practice shooting?" Mickey smiles. You smile back at him and grab the gun. "Hell yeah!"

You have no idea how guns work. You don't even know how to hold one. You try to lift it up but you hold it wrong.

"Woah woah, hold it like this"

He walks up behind you hand holds your arms up with his arms. It's like a movie. You turn and look at him with a smile. CLICHE GTFOH

He says with a serious and confused look .
"Oh nothing"
You turn back and smile
"Put your finger in the trigger" he says

He moves your finger on the trigger and you smile. His finger is right above yours as if he's about to shoot the bottle in front of you.

"And you just.."

He presses his finger down as the gun shoots.

"Pull the trigger"

You laugh and turn to him. You have a smirk on your face and he's looking down at you with a confused smile.

"Why are you so happy?" He asks still smiling at you.

"I don't know"
You smile at him and start kissing him.

You feel his smile on your lips which makes you smile too. You put your arms on his neck as his are wrapped around your waist. You pull out from the kiss and you lean your forehead on his. You two are staring into each other's eyes. You back away and sit on the blanket.

"Fuck, you got me feeling some way Gallagher"

You smile and turn back to him. You jump on him as you two start making out again. You wrap you legs around his waist as he grabs your ass. You guys make out for a couple of minutes until you hear your phone ring. You get off of Mickey and go answer it.

"Fucking cock blocks"

You laugh and Ian is calling you.

Ian: Where are you

You: With Mickey, why

Ian: Just wondering, what are you doing with him
You can tell he's smirking

You: Fuck off
You smile and hang up

"Who was it?" Mickeys asks

"Ian" you say kissing him again

He lays down as you get on top of him not breaking the kiss. You and Mickey make out for ten minutes before you both pull away. You look up at the starts from the holes in the roof of the building. You look at Mickey to see he's asleep. You smile and hug up next to him cuddling him.

You hurt me | Mickey Milkovich Where stories live. Discover now