Part 20

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Part 20

Negi villa

Latha: So, you denied joining Khushi. why?

YAN: You are asking me "Why?" Do you want me to give SOLO performance in Lion's Den?

Latha(laughing): Yan... I told you he won't harm you.

YAN: May be he won't. But his Nani herself is enough to burn me alive by her LOOK. Forget about Young ones. Uff

Latha: Make yourself strong to face everything Yan. You should not be like this.

YAN: Mom, it's easy to say. I'm the one who is facing ASR's wrathful looks every day. I don't know when he will count my bones.( his worry was clearly visible in his tone)

Latha: Relax. Everything will be alright. Ok? I'm here to protect you.

YAN: Love you Mom. You are the Best.

Latha: Remember this after your marriage also.

YAN: Don't you know how sweet she is?

Latha: I never doubted on my Bahu.

YAN(frowning): Mom, are you doubting me?

Latha: I don't doubt. I'm damn sure about it. You will definitely change after your marriage.( she laughed heartedly)

YAN(in fake anger): This is not fair.

Eshwer: Looks like you both are talking about Khushi?( Latha controlled her laugh and YAN stiffened himself)

Latha: Are you leaving?

Eshwar: I have to. There are many more things to mend up.

YAN(mockingly): Yes, ASR made our lives hell.

Eswar(angrily): Don't take his name in front of me.

YAN: What was his fault in this? Being a business man he did what he has to. He is not an idiot to miss the golden opportunity.

Eshwar: Are you taking his side?

YAN: No. I'm just telling the truth. Whatever you did was insane. Which experienced business man would do like you did?

Eshwar( annoyingly): He was never crossed our path. This time he did totally wrong.

YAN(chuckling): He did wrong? I don't think so. How can you under estimate ASR while standing in the same battle field?

Eshwer: Can you stop your nonsense?

YAN(teasingly): Nonsense? And me?

Latha: Please both of you stop. Happened is happened. Just think what next.

Eshwer: MARRIAGE. It will be the only solution to control ASR.

YAN: For that, marriage should happen in first place.

Eshwer: It will. I will make it possible.

YAN: As if ASR will watch it crossing his hand on his chest.....

Eshwar: He won't. But what if it happens beyond his knowledge?

YAN(frowning): What do you mean?

Eshwer: you will come to know when it happens.(he smiled devilishly)

YAN and Latha also passed content smile. They are also waiting for that day to come.


Raizadas had good time with Khushi. They gathered on breakfast table. Khushi took the chair opposite to Arnav as usual. Khushi's bag slipped when she kept it on the table. That's when Anjali saw a wrapped parcel in her bag.

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