Chapter two: meeting his friends

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(Two months later)
Your P/O/V
I heard Marshall say something under his breath but I couldn't make it out but he had a big idiotic grin on his face.
     "What was that Marshall?" I asked grinning. He looked at me and looked confused most likely wondering if he said it out loud.
      "I didn't say anything" Marshall said his face getting red. I laughed at his embarrassment that I could clearly see.
      "So Marshall I'm sick of being in this house when you go out with your friends it's really boring" I said to him. "I want to meet them" I said firmly. Marshall looked at me and said "no". 
    "It wasn't a question Marshall lee" I looked at him and he looked kinda angry. "FINE" he yelled smirking "But promise me this one thing" he said to me "Don't fall for Gumwad and his stupid gummy charms".
      "Gumwad" you said laughing questionably.
      "Ya that's what I call Prince Gumball we just call him Gumball or bubba though". Said Marshall.
      "Well let's go then. I already called and asked him if we could and he said we could today" I said to Marshall. He looked at me with rage in his eyes.
      "You did what"? He said sounding a bit scary.
      "I called Gumwad and asked him if we could go their" I told him standing my ground. He sighs and says ok to me with a small grin but still looking kinda mad.
We reached the Candy Kingdom and I walked to the castle with Marshall trailing behind me. He really didn't look happy.
    A pink guy walked to the castle door and stood their looking at me
    "You must be (Y/N)" asked Gumwad.
     "Ya that's me" I say.
Marshall groaned at Gumballs words. I don't think Marshall lee likes Gumball that much. I walked into the big castle it was pink very pink.
     "Wow this is amazing Gumball". You say
to him still walking around the castle.
      "Thanks (Y/N) I like my castle to" He grinned.
      "This is so dumb can we leave now I have other friends you know" Marshall said.
      "Ok ok Marshall we will go see Fiona and cake" I said.
     "Do you have to go so soon" asked Gumball.
     "Ya I guess so cuz someone is getting a little impatient" I said looking at Marshall.
Gumball walked us back to the door and we left. I waved at gumball and said goodbye to him and he said it back to me as Marshall flew from the ground with me in his arms.
When we got closer I seen it was a big tree house.
"Wow"is all I said.
Marshall's P.O.V
I am so glad we left Gumwads house he was flirting with my (Y/N) and I really don't appreciate it. (Y/N) was looking at me and asked me why I looked so angry.
     "Gumwad was obviously flirting with you (Y/N)" I said kinda angrily.
     "Awe is someone jealous" she said while poking my face as it was now getting red.
     "No I'm not jealous he was just flirting with I mean" I said with my face getting redder from what I almost just said to her.
     "My"? She questioned. "Did you really just say that Marshall" she asked me. We landed at Fiona's house and I was just gonna walk in but (Y/N) stopped me and knocked.
Your P.O.V
Marshall was just gonna walk in so I stopped him and knocked on the door and a cat which I thought was cake (I was right) answered the door.
     "Hi cake"I said.
     "Hi you must be (Y/N). Asked cake
I smiled and nodded.
A girl walked to the door the first human I had seen in a while. She looked angry and I didn't like it.

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