Chapter nine: no!

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I was standing in the door and I seen Marshall sitting their with another girl that I didn't recognize but they weren't just sitting. He was kissing her.
"What are you doing?" I asked quickly
"(Y/N) I don't want to be with you anymore" said Marshall
"You heard me I don't want to be with you" he said again. I seen something in his eyes though. He was lying or it looks like he's being trapped within himself.
"Your not Marshall" I said sternly
"That's what you think little lady"
"It's what I know" I said angrily
I could sense in Marshall's soul that he was fighting with whatever had taken control of him. He and the girl pushed past me and walked out of the house.
"Let's go marshy we can stay someplace else" said the girl and that's when I recognized the voice.
"Ashley" I said quietly "no it can't be"
"Don't think to hard little girl" I heard the voice in my head. Then I felt a sharp pain in my entire body. I blacked out.
~~~~~~~~~(2hours later)~~~~~~~

I woke up in Marshall's bed.
"How did I get up here" I asked aloud but to myself
"I brought you up here" said a voice
"Who are you?" I asked
"I think I should be offended that you don't recognize me" she said
"Fiona" I said
"Ding ding ding your right" she yelled
"Why are you here?"
"I seen Marshall walk by with another girl so I came hear and you where on the floor so I brought you up here" Fiona said
"Thank you" I said
"So who was the girl I seen Marshall with. Do you know?"
"She sounded like Ashley but it didn't look like her" I said looking down
"Well let's go find them cuz I know Marshall would never do that to you especially with what he told me just the other day" she said sternly
"Then let's go" I said
A few hours passed as we made it to Ashley cave. We went inside and seen her and marshall kissing. I wanted to scream at him but instead I fell to my knees and started crying. They heard me.
"What are you two doing here" asked Ashley
"We are here to get Marshall and get your spell off of him" said Fiona
"Well you can have fun with that because it's a spell that I won't let break" she grinned
"Marshall why are you doing this to me, to us." I said sobbing
Marshall got up and was walking over to us. He didn't sound or act like the Marshall I knew and loved.

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