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Part two - 

An hour later you were positively fuming. You had been powdered with every makeup product possible, had almost half your hair pulled out and the other half curled and you had been shoved into a stupid white dress, which, by the way, would not only get extremely dirty, but would be almost impossible to ride in.

Absolutely perfect.

As you were shoved out of the makeup tent, you thought longingly of your ripped jeans and baggy t shirt you were wearing earlier. If it wasn't obvious, you weren't really the 'dressy' type. You preferred jeans and comfy sweaters and jumpers. You would dress up for the night out, but that was different.

You saw a group of guys standing on the beach, and from the nervous twist in your stomach, you could tell that it was them. Easily picking out Hobi, you forced your eyes to scan the beach, and smiled when you saw the familiar sight of Oliver. Making your way over, you savoured the feel of the sand on your bare feet. Yes, yes. Bare feet. Stylists (stupid) orders.

As you reached Oliver, you stroked his gorgeous face, and the nerves in your stomach dissipated a little. Grabbing his halter, you walked him over to where the assistant director had instructed you to. Feeling multiple gazes on you, you glanced around to see most of the team staring at you, not to mention the boys themselves.

You locked eyes with Hobi, and had to withhold a small smile when you took in his shocked expression. You did look pretty different. But even you had to admit that the stylist had done a good job. Your dress was a simple white dress, fitted around the bodice and flowing out at your waist, with some simple lace detailing.

Seeing Hosoek breaking away from the group and coming towards you, you held Oliver back and waited for him to reach you. He too had been through the stylist's hands, and was wearing rugged denim shorts, reaching his knees, and a fitted white t shirt, which showed off his lean muscles.

'You ready?' he asked when he reached you, still checking you out slightly.

'Ready as I'll ever be,' you replied, winking at him.

'So... how do you get on the horse...?' he questioned, falling silent for a couple of seconds before his face lightens up, 'I could help you up!'

You glared at him teasingly, 'I wonder why you suggested that.'

'Hey,' he shrugged, holding up his arms, 'I have to take what I can get.'

Rolling your eyes, you continued, 'Thanks for the offer, but...'

Grabbing a hold of Oliver's mane with one hand, you took a step back and swiftly swung up onto his broad back. Taking one look at Hobi's shocked and slightly impressed face, you finished what you were saying.

'But... I think I'm good thanks,' you smiled, and nudged Oliver's sides to make him walk on. As you passed him, you caught a glimpse of the small smile on his face, and the slight twinkle in his eyes.

'Ok, maybe this time, but if you need any help in the future, give me a call!' he yelled after you. You rolled your eyes at his hopeful tone and concentrated on the powerful horse beneath you.

'Yes... just... keep him walking...' the assistant director called warily, his hand wafting in your direction.

'Can I just test him out a little more?' you called back, using basic language for his sake.

Getting a brief nod from assistant director, you worked Oliver through his paces, trying not to smile at his elegant trot and balanced canter. Throughout this, you could see the boys paying more attention to you, and finally working up the courage, you looked up to see them staring right at you. Catching eyes with Hobi, you gave him a little wave, and nudged Oliver over.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2018 ⏰

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