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A tiny leetle bit of violence and bad language but it's cute I promise

It was late, and you were walking the gloomy streets of Seoul on the way home. You looked up at the sky, and saw the threatening clouds. A clap of thunder startled you, and raindrops began hitting your bare arms. Perfect.

Walking a little faster, you decided to take a shortcut down an alleyway to get you home faster. Normally, you wouldn't use it in the dark, but you had important work in your bag, and you didn't want it to get drenched.

Looking straight ahead of you as you turned into the alley, you tried not to look at the shadows and focused on the path ahead.


You jumped at the harsh voice, but thankfully, your legs kept moving in the right direction.

'Hey bitch, I'm talking to you!'

He was angrier now, but you kept walking. Head down, just ignore him. 

This part of the city was known to be slightly rougher, but for some reason you had never had any reason to think that. Until now...

The owner of the voice didn't seem very happy with your lack of reaction, as before you knew it a dark shape had blocked your path. You skidded to a halt, barely managing to avoid him.

'Don't ignore me,' the man grabbed your wrist, spitting in your face as he addressed you.

You took a moment to take in his large form, and judging from the suffocating grip on your wrist, it was going to be difficult to get out of this situation. 

'What?' you replied bravely, thankful that your voice didn't shake.

'I was talking to you,' he snarled, 'and I don't like it when people ignore me.'

'Obviously they should do it more, then you'd get used to it.'

Oh shit. Did I say that out loud?

The flash of anger in his eyes answered your question.

'You little bitch!'

He threw you against the wall, and you felt your back already beginning to bruise from the hard contact. Grimacing, you braced yourself for more impact.


You heard the impact, and the sound of someone falling to the floor. But it wasn't you.

The adrenaline you had felt earlier suddenly dropped away and your legs crumpled beneath you, leaving you slumped against the wall. As you focused on breathing slowly and slowing your aching heart, you felt a warm hand on your shoulder.

'Hey, it's ok, you're safe now.'

You looked up to see a concerned face looking intently at you. He was about your age, with messy, dark brown hair, and extremely handsome, something you could recognise even in your panicked state. It was only now that you realised it was pouring with rain, and you flinched as thunder rumbled overhead. You looked around and saw the man who had confronted you lying unconscious on the floor

'Thank you,' you started, the shakiness finally coming through your voice, 'thank you so much.'

'Don't worry about it. Are you ok?'

That was a good question, but you didn't really know how to answer. Your back felt a little sore, but you couldn't stop your hands from shaking.

'I'll be fine.'

He looked doubtful, but held out a hand and helped you up. You stumbled a little on your shaky legs, and he quickly steadied you.

'You sure about that?'

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