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Requested by xXKawaiiNativeXx

I hope you like it :) Sorry it took me a while, but going back to school sucks D:

It was Friday night, and you were at the guys' apartment for your weekly movie night. It had been a tradition for a couple of months now, but it always cheered you up if you had had a bad week at work.

There was currently a horror movie on the TV and you were nearly pissing yourself. You were sat on one side of the sofa, with BamBam next to you, and Jackson next to him, with the other guys draped over random cushions on the floor.

Good God who chose this film?! You tried in vain to sink deeper into the sofa, trying to ignore the terrifying scenes on the television screen. From the whimpering sounds coming from Jackson's part of the sofa, you could tell that he wasn't enjoying it much easier.

As another jump scare flashed up on the screen, you flinched once again, vaguely aware of BamBam's attention switching from the film onto your tense figure.

'You okay?' he whispered, trying to restrain the smile on his lips.

You gave him a look, clearly saying that you were not, and he chuckled quietly.

Suddenly, there was a huge crash from the film that you were not prepared for, and you jumped, almost letting out a scream. Letting out a shaky sigh, you moved closer to BamBam's body, where you hid your head behind his shoulder.

You could feel BamBam's laugh vibrate through his chest as he put his arm around your shoulder, pulling you in slightly closer. Normally you would have been a bit awkward with the physical contact, but right now you were too stressed out to care.

Another jump scare. When will it end?!

Quickly thinking of a way to escape, you moved back to whisper to him that you were going to get a glass of water. He looked at you with a mask of concern on his face, but you offered him a shaky smile, before silently slipping out of the room.

You made your way to the kitchen, your feet making a quiet padding sound on the floor. Grabbing a glass and filling it with water, you let out a sigh of relief.

'You alright?'

You jumped at the sound of BamBam's voice behind you, sloshing some of the water onto the floor.

'Good grief, make some noise please!' you laughed, your heart once again racing.

You grabbed a paper towel and quickly mopped up the spilt water. 'Sorry,' he said, smiling sheepishly.

'Ah it's ok,' you smiled back, before laughing and adding, 'Sorry I'm such a wimp.'

He laughed back, and moved to stand in front of you, 'It's not your fault, that film is pretty scary.'

'You seemed to manage it ok,' you pointed out.

'I've watched a lot of horror films, that's why,' he said, shrugging.

'Oh ok, yeah there's a reason why I haven't,' you laughed.

A comfortable silence fell over the kitchen, and you glanced up at BamBam, only to see him looking at you with a expression you couldn't place. You met his soft brown eyes with your own, and felt a shock run through you. Your heart began racing again, but this time, it wasn't because you were scared.

'Y/N?' he whispered, not taking his eyes away from yours.

'Yeah?' you whispered back, barely daring to breathe.

There was a long moment before he opened his mouth again. But he seemed to change his mind at the last minute, and dropped his eyes. 'You ready to go back?'

'Uh... sure,' you said. A strange feeling of disappointment fell over you, but why? It's not as if he was going to say anything like... that...?

As you moved to put your glass on the counter behind you, you felt his warm hand take a hold of your wrist. You frowned, but before you could ask him anything, he spun you round and placed his lips on yours.

The kiss lasted no more than a couple of seconds, but it still made your lips tingle and your lungs breathless.

'I... I really like you Y/N,' he said quietly, dropping his gaze to floor as his cheeks began to flush a subtle pink, 'I think I have for a while now, and I don't want to make things weird, but I needed to tell you. I really hope that you like me back, but it's ok if you don't and...'

Your head was reeling from his sudden confession and a strange feeling of happiness spread through your body. Before he could continue, you leant forwards and put your lips back on his.

He responded immediately, wrapping his arms around your waist, bringing you closer to his body. You brought your hands up to run through his already messy hair and angled your head to deepen the kiss.

After a while, you pulled back, smiling shyly up at him, 'I think that answers your question if I like you back or not.'

He smiled gently down at you, before it turned to a cheeky grin, 'Actually I'm not quite sure I got that, can you repeat it for me?'

You laughed, blushing slightly, 'I think you got it crystal clear.'

'Just to be 100% sure?'

'Ah fine.'

Sorry it's a bit short, but I think it kinda works :) Also I know the ending is random, but I didn't know how to end it hahaha.

I hope you liked it!

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