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First the outline. Short, rough, extremely faint lines. Next, a bit of detail. Look carefully. Sometimes, the most beautiful things are the things which are hardest to see. Now, add some shading. Darken the shadows, leave the highlights.

Momentarily distracted from your drawing by some loud noises, you looked back up. A large group of guys around your age had entered the park, and you had to hold back an annoyed sigh. Now there was no chance of peace. And judging by their loud laughing there would be no quiet either.

Actually sighing this time, you rearranged your legs underneath you, your back still leant up against a wall. You had come to the main square in your town because you needed a break from all your coursework, and the straight lines of the buildings, contrasted with the soft lines of the fountain and the trees were really interesting to draw.

Putting your pencil back onto the paper, you concentrated on adding the tone to your sketch.

'Damn that's incredible.'

You jumped, just managing to avoid messing up your drawing.

'For goodness sake,' you grumbled angrily, your heart pounding, 'why would you do...'

You trailed off as you looked up and took in his angular jaw, soft brown eyes and slightly ruffled dark brown hair. Wow this guy was hot.


His voice was low, lower than you expected, but it suited him.

'It's... its ok.'

You stuttered slightly, and looked down so that your hair covered your blushing cheeks. Quickly closing your sketchbook, you clutched it to your chest protectively, before looking up in curiosity.

He was wearing ripped skinny jeans and a dark band t shirt, completely slaying the grunge look with his messy dark hair.

'I'm Wonwoo,' he continued in his deep mellow voice.

'Um... hi Wonwoo?' you replied, although it came out more like a question, making him smile.

'What's your name?'


'Well then... hi Y/N?' he teased, a smirk creeping onto his lips.

'Oh shush,' you laughed, 'I'm not good at talking to people.'

Especially very good looking people.

'You seem to be doing pretty well,' he smiled, moving to sit down next to you.

'Really?' you said, raising an eyebrow.

'I'd give it a solid 6 out of 10.'

'Oh come on, not even a 7?' you joked.

'Hmm... well that depends on your answer,' he said, looking intently into your eyes.

'Answer for what?' you asked confused, trying to ignore the blush creeping up your cheeks at his deep stare.

'Will you go on a date with me?'

'Wait what?'

He smiled sheepishly, 'I should probably explain shouldn't I?'

Nodding, you tried frantically to collect your thoughts. Holy fudge. Holy fudge. HOLY FUDGE.

'Well, long story short, my friends dared me to ask out the prettiest girl in the square, so here I am.'

You stared at him for a bit, your mouth dropping open slightly, before you cast your gaze around the square. Spying a group of girls, all decked out in designer jeans and crop tops, you frowned, before turning back to him.

'Are you sure?' you asked, your eyes motioning towards the group of girls.

'Yeah,' he whispered after a moment, before clearing his throat, 'I mean... well yeah.'


You looked back down at your lap, your cheeks blushing furiously now.

'I mean it.'

Looking back up through your eyelashes, you saw that Wonwoo was looking at you, with an expression on his face that you couldn't recognise. Taking a deep breath, you replied.

'Then... ok.'


'I said ok,' you repeated, a small smile creeping onto your lips, 'I'll go on a date with you.'

There was a moment of silence where you both looked at each other, before a huge grin appeared on his face, lighting up his whole expression.

'I'm looking forward to it already,' he smiled.

Wooooo I'm back. I was feeling creative and cute sooo there you go lol.

I'm already so done with school and it's only been 1 half-term.

GoooOOOD Lord.

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