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Requested by KookieJeon_bts

I hope you like it! Sorry it took such a long time, but it's quite lengthy so I'm hoping that will make up for it :/

It was a cold Thursday morning, so cold that my breath created white clouds in front of me. I stepped out of my apartment block building and began my weekly jog. My Nike trainers made faint tapping sounds on the pavement as I made my way down the streets. Without bothering to check, I ran round the corner into the park. As it turns out, that was a bad idea as I ran smack-bang into the guy walking out.

'Ahh!' I exclaimed, the momentum pushing me off my feet and into the road.

Before I could look at who I had ran into, a loud beep drew my attention to the road. There was a bus driving right towards me at full speed, the bus driver waving his arms frantically.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of strong hands take my arms and yank me up out of the road. The bus raced past, and I abruptly realised that this guy had just saved my life.

My heart pounding from the ordeal, I stood back and looked up. All thoughts in my brain seemed to disappear as I took in his handsome features; soft brown eyes tinged with concern, an angular jaw and messy brown hair, shoved under a beanie.

'Are you okay?' he asked, looking intently into my eyes.

'Yeah. Sorry. Uh... thanks,' I said quickly, trying to quell the heat in my cheeks.

There was a moment of silence as we both seemed to realise that he was still holding me protectively. He quickly let go, and moved back.

'Uh... Bye?' I posed, almost wincing at the awkward tone in my voice.

'Bye,' he said quietly, smiling at me. A shock ran through me at the sight of his small smile. I smiled back, before moving past him and continuing on my run.

Well that was weird.


(One week later)

My mind was still quelling on this mystery guy, and had been all week. As I began my run, I couldn't help but hope that I would see him again.

As I reached the corner of the park, I slowed down, knowing my lesson now. Before I could get into the park, I stopped short as a figure came out in front of me. As I looked up into the familiar brown eyes I had been thinking about all week, a small smile came to my lips.

This time I didn't fall over, but I still lost my balance slightly. Almost as a reflex action, his arms came up to steady me.

'Sorry. Again...' I laughed awkwardly, my cheeks tinging red.

'It's fine,' he laughed back, 'I was wondering if I would see you again.'

He was thinking about me? Oh good Lord. Cue the heart palpitations.

'Is that a good thing or a bad thing?' I asked, a smirk appearing on my lips.

'Oh definitely a bad thing,' he teased, his deep eyes sparkling, 'someone has to keep you from being hit by a bus now don't they? I guess I have that responsibility now.'

'Hey! That wasn't all my fault!' I cried, whacking his shoulder playfully.

'Sure, sure,' he responded, rolling his eyes.

There was a pause.

'I'm Jungkook by the way,' he added, smiling shyly at me.

'I'm Y/N,' I responded, trying to ignore how his soft hair fell perfectly in front of his eyes.

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