Chapter 6.

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"Jack, I have to leave for a while, but I'll be right back," shouted Mark and hoped that Jack would only say okay.

"Do you want me to..." started Jack, but Mark quickly interrupted him.

"No, it's fine. You can relax, I'll be back soon," he said as he went into the living room and looked at Jack, who was sitting on the couch and looking at him.

"Okay..." said Jack and watched as Mark left the house. "Bye then."

Mark waved and quickly closed the door after he left. He felt bad that he just abandoned Jack like that when he obviously called Jack over to spend the week together. But his power was getting stronger and he had to talk with Master Shan. He was thinking about what happened in the car. Then also he was thinking if he should tell Jack the truth. After all, he deserves to know.

'It wouldn't hurt him, right?' thought Mark as he was walking deeper into the forest until he reached the wood house.

"Mark, I'm glad you came," said Master Shan when he spotted Mark.

"I had no choice, Master. My power is getting out of control and it scares me. I feel I might hurt Jack at any time."

"Who is this Jack you are talking about?" asked Mater Shan.

"He is a friend of mine. He came over for the week, but I'm afraid that with my power I might hurt him," explained Mark. "I did the meditation you told me, but... I just have this feeling when I'm around Jack, that... I can't control my power."

"I would suggest you avoid him..." started Master Shan. "But I think it wouldn't be an option."

Mark took a deep breath as he thought about it and Master Shan was right. He wouldn't be able to avoid Jack. It would make Jack think that something is not right between them when it's obviously not the case. Maybe it was a mistake to call him over in the first place.

"Come on. Let's practice. It takes time to fully gain control over your power." stated Master Shan and they went to the back of the house.

Master Shan showed Mark some tricks to keep the fire under his control, then taught him moves to use the fire in combat or as protection. They were doing this over and over again until Mark felt that he was ready to go back home. He was still nervous, but he had to go back or Jack might think that Mark just left him.

"Master, do you think I should tell Jack about this?" asked Mark and Master Shan thought about it.

"If he can keep it a secret. Although I don't think it's a good idea to drag him into this," said Master Shan. "The two worlds have never met before."

Mark was thinking about it, but then it suddenly clicked in his mind that it probably wouldn't be a good idea.

"Rufus..." said Mark as he remembered and Master Shan looked at him confused. "He escaped. He visited me and I'm not sure, but I think he is planning something."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" asked Master Shan and he was about to leave. "I have to go back to tell this to the Senate."

"Do you?" asked Mark.

"If he is out the prince is in danger." started Master Shan and he opened up a portal. "And it's our job to protect him."

"You know where he is?" asked Mark.

"I was told to look after him and I do," explained Master Shan. "I have to go now. And I think you too if you don't want to scare your friend."

Mark nodded and watched as Master Shan walked through the portal. He left the house then and went back home. He slowly opened the backdoor from the terrace and walked into the kitchen then went to the living room. He looked around for Jack but he didn't see him. He went upstairs to check if Jack was in his bedroom, but he wasn't. Did he leave as well? Mark started looking for a note in the kitchen and the rooms as well, but nothing. He went up to the couch then he saw Chica lying on the floor in front of the couch. That was when Mark spotted Jack too, sleeping on the couch.

He went up to him and sat on the ground in front of him. Mark was watching Jack amazed and his eyes just couldn't leave Jack's face. He looked so peaceful while he was sleeping and it made Mark's heart melt. Mark started caressing Jack's cheek lightly then went for his hair, trying not to wake the Irishman up. Jack moved his head a little bit and started smiling at the gentle patting on his head. At this point, Mark lost it all. He started feeling the fire again. He became weak. Jack made him weak, but powerful at the same time. Mark took a few deep breaths with closed eyes to focus on his inner thoughts. When he calmed down enough he opened his eyes again and looked back at Jack.

Jack started moving around, so Mark put his hand back down on the floor. Jack opened his eyes and he was surprised when he saw Mark in front of him. Mark looked away from the nervousness, but Jack just smiled.

"How long have you been watching me sleep, dude?" Jack asked as he sat up, so Mark stood up too.

"Umm..." Mark was scratching the back of his head to think of a good answer to this. "I've just come back and I couldn't find you anywhere. I thought you left."

"I watched a movie and I think I fell asleep," said Jack, rubbing his eyes. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," answered Mark and sat beside Jack. "I'm sorry to leave you for that long, I thought I'll be back earlier."

"That's fine," said Jack.

"Anyway," said Mark before Jack could ask anything. "Do you want to record something together?"

"Sure, let's do it," said Jack, but he felt like Mark was hiding something from him and he didn't like it.

Little did he know what Mark was really holding from him and keeping it a secret to not hurt his best friend either physically and mentally.

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