Haunted Housecat

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Victini: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon the competition heated up. The fifteen contestants had to circumnavigate the island in a boat. Or in Meowth's case a raft. For the most part it was pretty neck in neck, but then Meowth screwed up big time and the Mystical Magikarp won. At the campfire ceremony it was a tough choice between the two felines, Meowth and Litten but in the Meowth for the boot.

(Theme song plays; make cabin)

Victini: (over loudspeaker) WAKE THE HECK UP!

Porygon: (Gets scared, wakes up, and hits his head on the top of the bed.) For some reason my head hurts.

Pikachu: Probably because you hit your head on it.

Porygon: Oh thanks. Your smart.

Pikachu: (Facepalms)

Litten: Why did Victini wake us up at (looks at watch) 2 A.M.!?

Jolteon: Because he is a jerk.

Victini: I can hear that!

(Girl's cabin)

Zorua: (Gets woken up by Victini) What the heck Snivy? Why are you already awake.

Snivy: Why would I sleep at nighttime?

Zorua: Uh... nevermind.

Victini: (over loudspeaker) MEET ME BY THE DOCK IN TWELVE MINUTES!

(Tweleve minutes later; Dock)

Mincinno: Why are we here at 2:42?

Victini: Because today, we are doing a haunted house challenge!

(Snivy's confessional)

Snivy: Yes.

(Confessional ends)

Litten: How do we do a haunted house challenge if there are no haunted houses here?

Victini: Oh but there is, little Litten.

Litten: Oh really? Because I don't see one.

Victini: Hop in the boat!

Litten: Fine.

(Everyone gets in)

Victini: Garboder, take them to the other side of the island.

Eevee: There is more to the island?

Victini: Yes.

Garboder: Let's go! (Drives the boat)

(Vaporeon's confessional)

Vaporeon: Who knew that there was another part to the island that no one knew about.

(Confessional ends)

(Porygon's confessional)

Porygon: If both halves of the island are seperate, wouldn't they just be considered two separate islands?

(Confessional ends)

Garboder: We're here!

Litten: Woah that mansion looks so cool!

Snivy: Gasp.

Garboder: Here. (Hands everyone a camera)

Porygon: What is this?

Garboder: A camera.

Vaporeon: Yes, but what are we supposed to with it.

Garboder: Oh yeah, I have to explain the challenge to you. So you go into the haunted mansion, then you have to take a picture of a ghost. Then you have to run back out and show the picture to Victini. The first team to get everyone to find a ghost wins.

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