Victini: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon our campers- er- competitors had to do some ghost hunting. However the Killer Kangaskhan sucked very badly and ended up at the campfire ceremony for the second challenge in a row. Jolteon for the boot. Will they lose again? Tune in to find out right here in Total... DRAMA... POKEMON!!!!
(Theme song; cafeteria KK's girls table)
Zorua: This looks like barf.
Eevee: Come on try it... maybe it won't be too bad. (Takes a bite and makes an what the heck face) (lying) Mmm great!
Zorua: Fine. (Takes a bite and barfs all over Snivy)
Snivy: Sigh.
Eevee: I'm gonna go. (Sits by Porygon and Litten) Hey.
Porygon: Hi.
Litten: Sup'.
Eevee: I came over her because my table is being crazy. Oh yeah that reminds me, I wanna ask you something.
Litten: Uh... sure.
Eevee: You seem really cool and my friend needs advice for something.
Litten: Ohhh... your "friend". So what is it?
Eevee: My friend likes someone.
Litten: Oh god.
Eevee: And they want advice from me, but because I don't know much about that stuff I came to you.
Litten:Why not just have them come to me?
Eevee: Well... because they don't compete on this show?
Litten: Well what's her name.
Eevee: (lying) Eevee uhh Eva.
Litten: That's uh. That's pretty specific.
Eevee: (quickly) Your pretty specific.
Litten: What?
Eevee: Nothing.
Porygon: Am I specific.
Litten: No but your stupid.
Porygon: Yay!
(Mystical Magikarp Table)
Vaporeon: I heard that our brother from the other team for eliminated.
Flareon: Really? (Watching something on her phone)
Vaporeon: You can't have that!
Flareon: Yes I can.
Vaporeon: Victini said no electronics.
Flareon: I kind of snuck one in....
Vaporeon: (Gives Flareon a look)
Flareon: Or sixteen...
Victini: (Over loudspeaker) Meet me at the the dock for your next challenge!
(Ten Minutes Later)
Snivy: What is this for?
Victini: Something.
Frogadier: Oh really... didn't know.
Victini: I will tell you once every one is here.
Mincinno: Where is Braixen at?
Braixen: Here now. Sorry I'm late. I was uh... busy.
Frogadier: Braixen has diarrhea.
Braixen: Shush!
Victini: (Laughing) Okay everyone is here. So each of you have an hour to perform an act of talent. You will present it in front of everyone. Garboder will be the judge. You can be in a duo or something. I don't really give two craps. Try not to suck. Bye. (Leaves)
Total Drama Pokemon
Fanfiction15 contestants! One Million dollars! Who will win! Tune in to find out.