For Crying Out Loud!

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Victini: Previously on Total Drama Pokemon we held a Talent Show. Unfortunately everyone sucked so we just held a race to the dock instead. In the end the Little Magikarp lost and Braixen got sent home causing Frogadier to cry.

Frogadier: (Crying really loud)

Victini: And he still is.

(Theme song plays; Girls cabin)

Zorua: Ugh, challenge day.

Snivy: I know right.

Eevee: It sucks.

Mincinno: A lot.

Zorua: Why are you talking to us
loser? You're not even on the Killer Kangaskhan.

Eevee: Zorua stop it... your mean.

Zorua: So?

Mincinno: Just because I'm on the other team doesn't mean I  can't agree with something! (The three of them argue)

Snivy: Sigh. I'm gonna go read my vampire book. (Sits in a corner and reads)

(Boy's Cabin)

Frogadier: (Crying)

Togepi: Oh for CRYING out loud. But seriously I can't take another minute of this.

Frogadier: (Crying continues) I just... miss... Braixen!

Litten: (Has an annoyed look on his face)

Pikachu: This is starting to piss me off.

(Girl's cabin)

Snivy: (reading) Oh how I wish you were real.

Victini: (Over loudspeaker) COME MEET ME BY THE DOCK IN TEN!

Snivy: Sigh.


Frogadier: (Crying)

Victini: Okay, let's try and ignore that and-

Frogadier: (Crying intensifies)


Frogadier: (Crying gets louder)

Victini: (Starts to get angry) UGH!!! NEW PLAN! The team that gets Frogadier to stop crying first WINS! Now, I'm gonna go to my little house here on the island, AND PUT ON EARMUFFS SO I DON'T HAVE TO HERE THIS STUPID CRYING CRAP! (Leaves)

Little: Okay Killer Kangaskhan what to we do?

Togepi: Oh! My mom used to sing me a song to get me to stop crying when I was a baby.

Litten: Well, sing it.

Togepi: Cheer up baby dont you cry, no more tears its cheerup time, laugh with me and we will-

Frogadier: (Crying intensifies)

Togepi: be-

Zorua: This obviously isn't working, step aside bozos. FROGADIER, SHUT UP!

Eevee: That's one way to handle it.

Frogadier: (keeps crying)

Eevee: Or not.

Mincinno: Mystical Magikarp we've got this! I've just gotta sing the Jigglypuff song! That way he'll call asleep and you can't cry in your sleep!

Pikachu: Yes you can!

Mincinno: No you canon't.

Porygon: It's can't not canon't

Litten: You said something smart. (Tosses a cookie) Have a treat.

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