In the First Place

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Victini: Previously on Total Drama Pokemon we had a scavenger hunt. Lots of things happened. Snivy won, putting her in the finale. Togepi evolved, despite getting being beat up by a Sawk and being eliminated alongside Vaporeon. Now we are at our final two contestants. Ditto and Snivy. Both of them have played the game well. Who do you think will win and home the big money. Who will lose and face humiliation. Find out right here on the season one finale of Total....Drama...POKEMON!

(Theme song;cafeteria)

Snivy: Guess this will be the last breakfast we ever have at this crummy ol' place, huh?

Ditto: Looks that way.

Snivy: Sigh. Even though, I hated every second of it, I think I'll actually miss this place.

Ditto: Same.

Snivy: Got to give it to you, you played the game well.

Ditto: So did you. Well not really. None of us really did that much to end up here.

Snivy: I guess that's true. Last time I just got lucky. Good thing I found nature's conveniemce store.

Ditto: And had snake arms.

Snivy: (chuckle)


Snivy: Togetic, what are you doing here.

Togetic: Victini invited us all back so we could root for who we wanted to win.

Flareon: And so that we could all have one last campfire celebration for the winner!

(Everyone else walks in)

Snivy: Gasp.

Ditto: That's actually pretty cool.

Victini: Everyone report to the dock immediately!

Snivy: Oh.

(Cuts to the dock)

Victini: Alright, everyone except for Snivy and Ditto sit on the set of bemches for the person you want to win. If you want Snivy to win, set on the green bench. If you want Ditto to win, set on the orange bench.

(Everyone sits on the green bench)

Victini: Oh. That is not surprising.

Eevee: Snivy might not be the most cheerful person ever, but Ditto kind of made us all feel stupid. His tricks were kind of mean.

Mincinno: Gonna be honest. I just sat on the green bench because Eevee did.

Victini: The challenge of today will be, everything, ever. Every challenge we have ever done shortened. That's why we are starting at the dock. There are two boats. Every time you win a challenge you get a point. Whoever gets the most points wins. For this one you must circumnavigate the entire island. On your marks, get set.....go!

Delphox: I remember this challenge. Me and Frogadier made out on a boat!

Greninja: That was so romantic! (Kisses Delphox)

Delphox: And now we kissed in a porta-potty!

Ditto: I got the speedboat. Looks like I have the advantage!

Snivy: Are you serious? I got a freaking raft!

Meowth: I feel your pain Snivy!

Snivy: (paddles very hard) UGH! Wait, I have snake arms. (Attaches vine arms to the back of the speedboat)

Ditto: I don't even see her. I must be way ahead. (Cuts to near the finish line) This was a breeze!

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