Who could ask for more

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A/n Hello this is my story to get published and I hope you enjoy. If you haven't seen Evil romance, you probably should before reading this so you are not entirely lost. Thanks. Sorry if I changed anything that happened in the previous story.

Sierra's pov
Wow. I can't actually believe that I have been here for more than 3 months without giving a single thought about my parents or the life that I have left behind. Am I that selfish.   Nah, I think I made the right decision. Plus life here is much better than life was on the isle. I got changed. (A/n up top) and went to meet up with the gang to hang out as it was Sunday. I looked to see Mal on the bench looking all sad and that made me confused.

Mal's pov
Something is wrong with me. Back on the isle, I would of never looked so sad. I would of been happy. Destroying everything. Life here is not going great for me and I don't know if it ever will.
"Hey Mal." A voice said behind me disconnecting me to my thoughts.
"Don't look so down. Look up." I laughed knowing that comment only came from one person. "Hello Sierra. How's life for you?"
"You know Mal, not so good. You see I am with Carlos and that makes me happy but it feels weird. Like there is something stopping me and him which is pulling us away."
"Well, look alive me hearty. The new isle kids are coming today."
"Wait if they are coming today,why are you here Mal."
"Oh shoot. I got to go. See you later Sierra." I rushed to the front of the school am got there just in time as the limo arrived.

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