new trouble

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A/N Sorry guys the the last chapter was a bit disorientated. I will try better this time.
Mal's pov
The limo arrived and I got there just in time"Glad to see that you made it Mal." Ben spoke. Just then the car door opened and I couldn't believed who came out. Haley,daughter of hades,Harry,son of Captain hook,gill,son of gaston(really Ben really), and last and definitely least Uma daughter of Ursula or shrimy my worst enemy. "Hello everyone. Welcome to Auradon." Ben started the same speech he did for us. I kinda just blocked it all out.
" And if you would like to follow this way for the tour." Still going on the same speech.
"Ahh Sierra. She will give you your schedules for your time in Auradon.
"I will?" She questioned.
Ben whisped something to her but I didn't catch it.
" Oh yeah I will. You guys just follow me and I will get you where you need to go." Sierra left with the new 'villian kids' and I was left with ben.
"I am so sorry but I need to go. King duties. We will hang out later though I promise." Ben said.
"Yeah sure. I will just help Evie. Bye."
He left before I could finish. I left to go and help Evie with her new business.
Sierra's pov
I was walking down the stairs when I saw someone that I wished I didn't. Harry Hook. He has wanted me for years and he will not be happy to know that I am with Carlos now. I tried to go back up the stairs but Ben called me down. "Sierra got the schedules for you guys."
" I have?"
" Ben quickly pulled me aside and said," Sierra pretend that you have them and go find Doug with Evie. He will have them. I have to go. Also their dorms are 21,22 and 23."
Why three rooms?"
"In case."
"Fine I will do this but you own me Ben," I lifted my head up and continued to talk,"ahh yes I do they are upstairs. Follow me people. And quickly." I jogged upstairs having the 'Vks' jogging to catch up. It will be a long month. I hope Harry can finally accept that I don't belong to him. I got up the stairs to find Doug and ....
There is a cliffhanger. Most authors do like a summary at the end so I thought I would do that. Who do you think Doug is with and also sorry for a late post. Post are going to be very wierd but hopefully I can finish this book. Anyways I hope this chapter was better than the other one.  One more quick thing, if there is no song for the story I will just add a song from the movie that best describes the story. That may have been confusing as to where the video gets played before in the last one.

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