Now you see

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Sierra pov
I rushed to the tourney field to see ... Carlos. Wait what.
"Carlos but I thought you were at the hospital. I was told be Jay..."
"Hey sweet cheeks don't worry about it. I told harry to get lost or be lost." 'Carlos' said
Sweet cheeks. When has he ever called me that.
" Uhh it is fine but I have to go. I am helping uhh Evie yes Evie with some thing."
I rushed over to Evie and Sam.
I stopped to see Evie crying on Sam.
"What happened? Do I need to punch someone for you."
"Doug needs to get punched." Evie said during sniffles.
Oh E you found out."
"When did you?"Evie got up now interested.
"When I found him and Jane kissing." I said avoiding eye contact.
" WAIT WHAT! WHEN THE HELL DID HE KISS JANE?" Evie got mad started shouting at me.
"Ok E calm down. Wait why didn't you know about that?"
"I caught him kissing Lonnie. We were going to get some supplies for the coronation when I saw him kissing Lonnie."
"Well this morning I caught him kissing Jane."
"Wow I was being played. All well. Sam what are you going to do?"
"I think I should have broken up with her a long time ago. Plus I have someone else in mind." Sam winked at me and I instantly knew who he was talking about.
" Ahh yes. Will you be taking her to coronation? This mistery girl?" I said not trying to make it obvious.
" Yes , yes I am. She will be the prettiest there. I will see you later Eves 'kay" Sam walked out to leave a very stressed Mal rushing in soaking wet.
" Hey why are you wet Mal. Did you try to swim again. Last time that happened you almost.." "Drowned" Evie and I said at the same time.
"No actually we went to a swimming lesson in out clothes.Ben was teaching me how to swim." Mal eyes lit up just by saying his name.
" Wow sounds like you had a good time." Evie said nodding my head in agreement.
" Well yeah but I am glad that we got to actually hang out without Ben talking about 'his kingly duties'."
"Ok Mal we know that you had a boyfriend but we must have to go to me." I said wanting to explain what happened to Carlos.
"Wait really quick did you know that Doug cheated on me and I think I really like Sam."
"Finally you admit it. We have waiting 3 months to here you say that." Mal said flopping onto the bed. (A/n if you didn't know we're in their dorm. Sam and Evie were studying in there.)  Ok there is another story sorry for doing all random posts. I will try post around 4 days per post.
Also the song was what I listening to whilst doing this.

Weird Love (Sequel To Evil Romance Carlos De Vil Story)Where stories live. Discover now