Sierra's pov
"You know," I said to mal,"I should ask my brother about this shouldn't I? He would be able to tell me what is going on and I would be able to kill him as well."
"As long as we manage to get back before cortillian then I am fine." Mal says starting the engine on her scooter Ben got her. I was getting ready to use magic.
"We will don't worry. Carlos is coming but we need back up. Where the hell is jay,Evie,Ben and Lonnie. They should all be here by now." I was pacing around now
"Relax they are coming now." Mal says and I turn to see them all running over.
"Sorry sierra we would have come quicker but SOMEONE cough jay cough wanted to stop at the kitchen"
"Hey not my fault I am hungry"
"Ok then let's go"
"Question how do we get there?" Ben hurried asks as we head to the lake.
"We use magic" I answered
We all got onto scooters and made our way to the isle. Man was this going to hard.
Harry's pov 2 hours before they left
"I don't believe this! Are you messin with me? We have to stop them. To the isle."
Sierra can't go and get carlos we shall go and tell Penelope so she can do something." Penelope is Hadley's sister.
"Away we go then," Hadley says,"you know Harry she isn't going to like this surprise visit you are giving her." Uma says. Gosh Uma can be annoying.
"Does it really matter right now? I don't want my plan to be ruined." I walk away getting ready to go over to the isle.
"You know harry," I turn to see Gill. He thinks he is so cool. Sarcasm," you should listen to uma. For once she is speaking with actual sense"
"Hey" uma shouts
"Gill for once I agree with you"
"Hey" uma says even more annoyed
"Alright Gill and Hadley get on a scooter, uma you and I are sharing. We are going to the isle of the lost."
Guys I am really sorry about the really long update. I am also sorry about the short chapter but I thought why not put the whole isle thing into another chapter and whatever happens afterwards. I hope that will be ok. See you people next time. Also do you guys know who this person is. I do but I want to know who else knows him. I shall say who he is in the next chapter.

Weird Love (Sequel To Evil Romance Carlos De Vil Story)
FanfictionThis is now 3 months after the coronation and Sierra and Carlos are now a couple. But what will happen when Ben invites more to stay in Auradon. All before the cortillian. And what would happen if one perhaps loves Sierra. This story is my own plot...