We're rotten to the core (2.0)

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Haley's pov
"Can you guys believe it?" Harry went on the same speech for the past 2 hours. Talking about how sierra chose Carlos over him.
"I mean what does she see in him that she doesn't see in me?"
" Everything that is in you minus everything that is in you. So basically she hates everything of you." Uma and her witty comments.
"Well if you were going to ask her to cortillian you better hurry."
"Honestly Gill can't you see this through your dumbwitted mind. She is going with Carlos and I can't do anything about it."
" Well can't you just get rid of carlos?" I said but that seemed to cause more trouble.
" Get rid of him. GET RID OF HIM," his words were loud," can't you see that I tried that. I locked him in a cupboard and looked what happened then."
"Then send him back to the isle just before the cortillian. Which would mean today as that is next week and it takes three days to get there and to come back so?" I said hastily
"That is actually a really good idea Haley. You are amazing," my eyes widened,"at helping me get to Sierra."
I slumped back in my seat. Why her. What does she have that I don't.
"I have the perfect idea to get him out." Uma says
" Spit it out we don't have all day." Harry is getting impatient. I can tell
"We say his mother is sick. He should go asap."
" Interesting. Now we to give him a note. Come on we're leaving."
Harry grabbed his coat and left.
"When is he ever going to learn that my sister is not available. She is not going to like him." Gill said. He is like my best friend. I am not that close with Uma. She is closer with Harry. I stayed in the dorm with Gill just talking about whatever. Sometimes I feel I could like him instead of harry but you know. Wait why would I even think that? Oh harry comes with a smile on him face. He must have done it.
Sierra's pov
I was still angry. Many things make me angry but this is the second. The first is Harry. God is he annoying. We decided to ruin Doug for life. We are going to ruin his prized possession. His socks (A/n why not) he is not going to see this coming. He is going to regret messing with Evie. I don't even think she is mad. I think she is just sad. I am going to see her now before. I knocked on Sam's door and Chad answered. "What are you doing here?"
"Looking for Sam.Why?"
" Well he isn't here. He left an hour ago. With some girl."
"That girl is my friend,Chad." I growled.
" Relax. They went to the forest."
"Ok thanks."
"Anytime so you can stop annoying me. I need to fix my hair."
"And there it is."
I walked out the door and left to try and find Sam and Evie. I looked everywhere apart from the magic river( that Ben told me about). I arrived there and saw that Evie and S Sam were talking. I decided to easedrop. That is a special personality of mine.
" So how are you feeling?" Sam says. Lame obviously nervous.
"About Doug. Still heartbroken. About everything else honestlu, it's a challenge." Evie replied. Everything else. What did she not tell us.
"Well remember that I am here to help. You can tell me anything." Sam says. How sweet.
" Ok. Well I believe that I can trust you,"she took a deep breath,"My friends both have boyfriends still whilst I don't but I am stuck as I like one of the boys. What do I do?" Wait did I hear that correctly. She can't like Carlos. She doesn't look at him like that. So that leaves.
" Oh," Sam paused in his words," well I suggest talk to your friends. They will understand. They shall listen to your problems like I am doing now." Sam sounds depressed. Wait does he really like Evie.
" Thanks for the advice. I will take that in mind." Evie sounds cheery.
I try to lean closer but I step on a twig which snaps
"Who's there?" I quickly rush back not before I see Evie kiss Sam on the cheek. I ship it so well. As I am running. I think about my options on what I have. Theory one: Evie likes Ben
What makes me believe that: she says that she likes mine or Mao's boyfriend. And she has seemed to hang more around Mal when Ben is around.
Theory two: Evie likes Carlos.
What makes me believe that: She sounded upset when we found out Carlos was going back to the isle. Plus I believe that she may be hiding something in the first place
Theory three: Evie still likes Doug.
What makes me believe that: She is still heartbroken about all of this and when they broke up she was in the dorm room for two days and only allowed Sam to come see her. Which brings me onto theory four. But if theory four is true there is many ways how it can be proven. I need to prove these theories. Besides everything else and that cortillian is next week and I am helping Jane plan that too and helping Mal find a dress and trying to get revenge on Doug. My life is filled. But there is always room for adventure. Looks like Mal and I have work to do. How I managed to think of this while I am running back, I have no idea.
A/n wow. Just wow. I am think of what goes down now and it is not good. With all these theories how will sierra get everything done. Also I want everything to go down at cortillian so I am not making the revenge come next chapter but maybe soon. These next few chapters are gonna be fun. Stay awesome.

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