Tell me who you are

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Jisoo POV

" Now the beginning of this book is where you will first know about my story, my story is a bit complicated and dangerous. I have lived in fear and danger all my life. My life was a mess. And I was close to give up. I am not a girl that is easy to get. I don't express my feelings to others. But I wish I can let my secrets out to someone that is similar to me. I wish....and I hope"

I woke up early this morning. After I took a shower, I left my sister and my two cousins in the apartment quickly to get the newspapers and check the mail. With a hot cup of coffee I sat down on the little balcony after I went back. My sister and cousins are still sleeping. I sighed and opened the first letter, and it was the bill again, and another one. And (Thinking) "What is this?".

My eyes widened as I readed the letter, as I was still reading the letter, I heard a scream behind me and I immediately rushed back inside. The scream was from my sister came from the bedroom. I found her there on the ground next to her bed. (Thinking) "She must have pushed by Lisa as she tried to get up and sit on a chair" .

Jisoo: How often did I tell you not to lay beside Lisa without my permission? (voice was worried) (I helped her up and she sat on the chair beside the bed) Did you hurt yourself? (As I helped her I kneeled down infront of her, I placed my right hand carefully on her left leg and looked at her).
Jennie: No. (She said barely and looked down on her lap, her face was full of sadness but she didn't cry) I hate this life. (She said quietly)
Jisoo: (I sighed and grabbed her arm) We can do this, we are all strong, I am happy and greatful to have you three still by my side. You three give me so much strength. Because of you three I fight, I fight for all of us and I always will. We will manage that do you hear me, we will never gave up.!

As I said these words, a little tear ran down my cheek. My words didn't only calm my sister but also myself. A bitter smile was forced on the lips of my sister and she tightened her grip around my hand.

Jennie: I'm so proud of you, big sis. You're the strongest woman here. I see what you did for the three of us. It's almost unbelievable how you manage that. Without you We would end up living on the streets.
Jisoo: Without you three I would end up begging for money.

I repeated her words with a light smile, while I looked at her. My sister and cousins was my number one priority. The only three I respected. The only three I looked up to.

(15 hours later)

I walked down the street. I was on my way to work. My mind was filled with worries and didn't really look where I was walking. I wouldn't even care if I bumped into someone now. After the conversation with my sister this morning I went to work at a coffee shop. I didn't even tell her about that dunning letter. And I wasn't sure if I should and How.

Jisoo: Where should we live now?

I didn't have any perspectives. My sister and cousins will be old enough to live be themselves, where they can have a better life. Than this.

Jisoo: And I?

I was planning to earn money to go to Seoul and just restart my life. Cause I don't have any family just my siter and two cousins.

I was deep in my thoughts to realized the squeaking wheels of the car in front of me. I didn't realize I was about to cross the main road, either. Shocked I looked up. I could see in slow motion as the car was trying to stop infront of me. But before I could react, a hand grabbed me and pulled me from the street. I stumbled into the arms of a young man. The stranger held me tight so I couldn't fall and Looked at me. I flt really dizzy and still completely shocked.

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