Trust Issues

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Author's POV

Hoseok: I have to pee..

Hoseok slided one side to the other and grabbed onto the headrest of the drivers seat, since twenty minutes he couldn't sit still anymore.

Jin: I told you, you have to use the bathroom at the dorm, Hoseok.

Hoseok whined unhappy about this whole situation. The uneven street just caused his problems to become bigger. His bladder felt like it was about to explode in the near future.

Hoseok: Hyung! Drive more carefully!

Jin justbsighed and rolled his eyes as he watched the suffering Hoseok in the driving mirror. Yoongi's expression next to him didn't look better. Annoyed about Hoseok's anxiety and tumult, he flashed him a glare.

Taehyung: Don't you dare wet yourself Hyung Hoseok!
Jin: Guys calm down. We are almost there.
Hoseok: I hope for your own sake..

After a while, which felt like ages for Hoseok. The car stopped at the meadow on the top of a hill right into nowhere. Everyone stepped out of the car and while Hoseok was running towards the little forest right next to Jisoo, the others took their stuff out of the car....

After a little while the boys began to build their camp up while Hoseok offered to search for wood in the forest. But Jimin seemed to be a bit unhappy with this idea, so he delegated Taehyung this task.

Taehyung: But what if bears attack me (said sarcastically)
Jin: Which beat would attack you? He would be afraid of you and screaming and running away.
Taehyung: There are no bears like that! (Continuing to speak sarcastic)
Jin: then Namjoon will come with you.

Jin decided after watching Namjoon, who is struggling with building up his tent. He sent an helpless look back at Jin.

In the meantime Jin's tent was already positioned.  Of course he had to turn this to a bet. So he decided Jisoo would sleep in the stable tent that was built.

Yoongi glared at him as he made it build his tent as well, with which he didn't force himself to hurry. He rather took it easy and payed attention to make it properly.

Jin: Huh! I won!
Yoongi: I don't think so.

On Yoongi's face appears a smirk as he noticed something. He raised his eyes at Jin and sent him a daring glaced his hands reached out for his tent..

By the touch of it, one hook popped out of the ground and then the tent crashed together like a house of cards.

Yoongi: Oh well.

It sounds like nearly careless as he let himself fall on a trunk whick was placed around a fire pit... and suddenly Hoseok approached Jin from the back.

Hoseok: Should I help you with this?

Jin was kneeling at the ground again and struggling to reconstruct his tent. Looked up at him and laid his forehead in wrinkles.

Jin: You?
Hoseok: Yes. Thanks to this guiding camping book, this will be a piece of cake for me.
Jin: (Chuckles and moved a space for Hoseok)
Hoseok: Look, You have to it like this and then..

His sentence was interrupted by his struggling self, as he tries to push the hook into the ground.

Hoseok: with a bit of strength..

He continued before Taehyung appeared behind him and kneeled down to help him.

Taehyung: Here you go (stands up and walked away)

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