Miracle Needed

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Yoongi's POV

I stayed up until late night, as usually. I was laying on my bed as if my soul left my body and stared at the ceiling above me. A heavy sigh left my mouth but that was the only thing that distinguished me from a corpse.

My mind was a huge mess and those girls won't disappear out of my head. Even if I tried to forget about them.

Jin: Yoongi, when do you finally shut the lights down? I can't sleep like this.
Yoongi: (I got up from my bed) I need to do something.
Jin: What? But Yoongi its late, where are you going?
Yoongi: (walked out and turned the lights off)

While walking I can't forget what happened yesterday afternoon Jisoo bumped into my shoulder and didn't even say sorry. But She dropped her sunglasses and I just took it into my pocket. Qhile walking I walked to Namjoon's room.

Nmajoon: who is it?
Yoongi: Yoongi! Are you planning to finally open up or do you have "visitors" with you?

I walked in and saw Namjoon wearing his Night wear or should I call it pajamas instead he looked so cute.

Yoongi: Cute...
Namjoon: And now what? You don't look like you want to call some girls and start the party of the year.
Yoongi: I would either advise you to do that in this...thing.
Namjoon: get to the point, Yoongi. Why are you here?
Yoongi: I have a serious problem. I can't stop thinking about her.
Namjoon: Who?
Yoongi: Guess who.

Namjoon's face brightens as he seemed to have an idea. But this expression crashed down as he realized who he was guessing.

Namjoon: Jisoo?!
Yoongi: (I nodded). I can't help it. She is such a trong girlbut she's not seeking for any attention or help.
Namjoon: are you sure you are not over tired?
Yoongi: Maybe. But I can't sleep because of her.
Namjoon: What's wrong woth you this girl isn't attractive enough in one single way. She doesn't fit you or with anyone of us. Ok but she could fit Jin.
Namjoon: Nope, she doesn't even fit him. Forget about Jisoo. You could have a much better girl than her.
Yoongi: She isn't as bad as you think, Namjoon. She isn't only the lame, shy and silent girl who's always alone. Well, she is always alone but that is what makes her strong in my eyes. If You would know how's she's living, you would understand why she's acting weird like that.
Namjoon: what are you talking about?
Yoongi: She remembers me of "Her".
Namjoon: are you sure what are you talking about?
Yoongi: (nodded)
Namjoon: You never had eyes for one single girl and never talked about "Her" since she's dead, Yoongi.
Yoongi:'It doesn't matter what you say, I won't forget Jisoo. From now on you have to accept her if you want to keep our friendship and Bangtan.

(The next day)

I mumbled something in my pillow that sounded annoyed. I Blinked my eyes towards my annoying roommate. My face was sleepy and puffy but the look I gave Jin let him back away.

Jin: Apologizes Yoongi, but we need to go.
Yoongi: (I groaned and stretched)
Jin: Did you dream well?

Jin aske with a sly smirk and watches me still sleepy, as I looked through the bright room with half one eyes open. As I realized this question my eyes fixed Jin confused.

My expression didn't change much but it took me a moment to answer. I couldn't remember that I had dreamed about Jisoo

Jin: You've been saying Jisoo for the 10th time now.
Yoongi: Don't get it wrong, you Pervy Jin eomma.
Jin: You suddenly like her huh?
Yoongi: (I heard the toned of jealousy)
Jin: Stay away from her. I mean it.
Yoongi : I can't

Jisoo's POV

We went to the doctor to see how was my sister recovering and my cousins while sitting and the doctor came and let me stand up.

Doctor: Jennie's pneumonia is getting better. We would advise you to let your sister and cousins go and let them live a normal life so they can experienced not having a protective sibling or cousin. Just let them live a normal life for 5 months and you can visit them every day.
Jisoo: Does she know?
Doctor: (Nodded patiently) they wanted this for a very long time....
Jisoo: How long is it?
Doctor: 5 months Ms. Kim. I promise you that we will look after them with tracking devices.
Jisoo: Please, I don't want to lose them
Doctor: I'm sorry

As he spoke this words I couldn't help it anymore but break out of tears. I can't believe I had to set them free. I was truly afraid of losing them. They were the only thing that kept me alive. The doctor sighed and grabbed me a tissue.

I grabbed the tissues. Normally I barely cried. The last time I cried was 3 years. Ago. This message was just too overwhelming, so I couldn't held my tears back anymore.

Doctor: We will keep an eye on them. They will be in good hands.

The doctor stayed the whole time withe me and stayed patient. Even if his waiting room was full of other patients, he had made time for me anyway.

Jisoo: Can I see them now and say my goodbyes?
Doctor: (Nodded) yes of course

He led me to the exit door with my sister and cousin waiting to leave, they had their bags and luggage. As we arrived I saw them in their ideal clothes ready to leave in the car ready to leave as well. When i got there they approached me and hugged me. Tight.

Jennie: I'm sorry Jichu unnie
Lisa: I'm so very sorry as well unnie
Rose: sorry for living you this early.
Jisoo: what are you sorry for?

Then I walk with them to the car and I kneeled at them and just hold their hands together and squeeze it tight. My tears are falling in my cheeks.

Jennie: Sorry that we have to leave you all alone for 5 months.

I noticed that Jennie was crying as well and placed one on her hand shoulder as I stand up and grabbed her shoulder and stoppped next to her. I fixed my eyes on her eyes deeply. I could see the deep silver eyes she has. Many emotions are coming out and I just wiped her tears away.

Jennie: We all promised to stay with each other till the end. And now We'll break the promise.
Jisoo: There is nothing you three have to be sorry for.
Lisa: but what will happen to you?
Jisoo: I.....I don't know.

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