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Our schedules from the front office. We had 3 classes together - literature, P.E. and math.
I had taken psychology while she was more into history.
First lecture was of literature in room no. 103 taken by Ms. Waters.
"I used to love her. She was very pretty when I was here. I was her favourite student and used to favour me a lot." I said smilingly.
"Hey cheer up! She will start to love you again!" Linda replied. I smiled again.
I looked at my watch.
"Fuck! We are late!!!" She exclaimed.
I took her hand and dragged her to room no. 103. We were now standing outside the class. I stared at the door. She sqeezed my hand.
"Together." She said.
"Forever." I continued.
And we pushed the door. There she was, Ms. Waters. In her mid 40s nearing 50. She looked old, but kind. As always. She looked at us and her eyes lit up. She recognised me. But she kept quite when I motioned her not to squeal.
"New students, I suppose?" She asked.
"Yes." Linda said with confidence oozing out of her.
"That's nice. Please introduce yourself." She said while looking at me and Linda. I looked at her and we both strode in the room. I looked at all the children I front of me. Many of them were known to me.
"Good morning. I am Linda. Linda hunters. Don't mess with us or your parents will not even know where your dead body went. There's another thing I want to tell you, but this is not the place. Plus, you'll find it soon enough. Thank you." She ended with a sickeningly sweet smirk and stared straight at Alison. She blushed and looked down. Everyone got on their high alert and immediately looked at us in fear.
"hello, everyone. I am Amy. Amy Colton. I don't want to be friends wuth you disgusting asses, so stay away from me." I finished with a glare. Everyone remembered me. How could they not. Afterall, I was the butt of their jokes for almost half of my life. Everyone was shocked as to how a nerd turned into hot stuff. I rolled my eyes.
"Now, now. This is not an introduction. And please, this is not how you talk in the class. This is your first day and that's why I am letting this go. This type of behaviour will not be tolerated. Please take your seats." She scolded.
I rolled my eyes again and she scowled. There was a look of disappointment in her eyes and it hurt me. But I masked it with indifference.

Linda sat down with Alison. As expected. That bitch ditched me. I looked around and saw another place empty. Besides a boy. He was new. I sat down and stared at him. He is definitely cute. And hot.

'I wonder how would he look naked while knee-' I shook my head mentally. Nope. I shouldn't have such thoughts for such an innocent boy.

'Perhaps his butt would look hot being red wi-' ugh!!!!!! Stop already.

'You don't even know him!' I scolded myself.
He looked at me staring at him and quickly looked away when I raised my eye brow.
"Wh-why are you st-staring at m-me?" He stuttered with his cheeks red. I am definitely having him. Subduing him, caring for him, protecting him, punishing him for being a bad boy. It would be amazing.
"Oh nothing. Just wondering why god made you such an irresistible person." I said and smirked. He looked at me in surprise and immediately looked down.
"I..uh...what am I supposed to reply to that?!" He exclaimed.
I like it. But yoh might want to keep that peetty mouth of yours shut. If you cannot, I definitely have ways to make it." I winked. He blushed deep red and I was left chuckling at his cute reactions.

I decided to see how much of a submissive he was. I slowly trailed my fingernails on his thighs. Towards his crotch.

He immediately looked at me in surprise and flipped my hand away. I chuckled and put my hand on his groin. He gave a startled gasp and I started rubbing it up and down. He squirmed and looked at me. I kept rubbing and I could feel him coming to the edge.

"Not yet, love. Hold it in. Do not come. I will punish you if you do. Be a good boy." I whispered in his ear. He widened his eyes and bit his lower lip hard trying to keep it in.
God, he is such a tease.
The bell rang and I removed my hand with a satisfactory smirk. He definitely is a keeper. He got up fast and glared at me.
"How dare you? If you weren't a girl, I would have beat the crap out of you." He spat.
I smirked.
"This is just the beginning. Trust me, I will make you mine. And then no bell will save you."
"There will not be a next time. Excuse me, you pervert."
That ticked me off.
I walked closer to him. I grabbed his collar and brought his face closer to me.
"What. Did. You. Just. Call. Me?"
"Don't you dare call me that again. Do you understand?"
I pushed him away and walked out of the class.
I had a free period. I went in the parking lot and took out a cigarette.
I smoked my problems away. I was not a chain smoker. Just when I was stressed or sad. Its comforting.
The bell rang and I groaned. I saw Linda coming out of her chemistry class. I joined her.
We were on our way to our new lockers to get books for the next lecture when suddenly I felt a hand on my arm. I looked and saw Ms.Waters.
"Hi." I said.
"Hi, Amy. How are you?" She asked gently. Linda was on the phone typing furiously.
"I am good. Its been so long, Cristina." I said. We called each other by their first name when we were alone. She smiled.
"Linda, if you don't mind, can I borrow her for some time?" She asked while looking at Linda.
Linda looked up and smiled.
"Of course, Ms. Waters. She is all yours." She said sweetly and looked back at her phone. Something was not right. Her smile was forced. She was biting her lip in frustration. I will need to talk to her. Soon.

Cristina took me to an empty class and we both sat down on desks.

"Why?" She asked. I knew what she was talking about. I looked down. I was not able to meet her eyes.
"I don't know, Cristina. I had enough of that shit. You knew what happened. How could I be the same?" I asked.
She sighed.
"Amy, I know you are not bad. This outer façade won't work on me. Please try to have a little streak of who you were alive in you." She adviced.
I winced due to guilt.
"Fine. Only in front of you." I said in a small voice.
She smiled her one of those million watt smile and hugged me.

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