chapter 10

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Caleb's pov:
My phone rang while I was working out. I saw and it was my father's neighbours.
Confused, I picked up.
"Hello, Ms. Mayers. How can I help you?" I asked.
"Caleb, come home immediately. Your house is wrecked and your sister and dad are missing."
"What?! Since When?!"
"It happened last night. Come home right now!" She said and cut the call. I grew frantic and grabbed a bag, pushing all my clothes in it.
Taking my phone, car keys, wallet and my bag, I rushed outside and drove to my house.

*2 hours later*

Saying that my house was wrecked was an understatement. It was destroyed. Completely. I walked around the house in the hope to find something that would give whereabouts of my sister and.....father.

Honestly, I couldn't care less for my father, but my sister was my life line.

I saw a note stuck to the fridge.
"Call at the given no. To know where your sweet family is.

Damn it. I called.
"So you decided to call."
"Ye-yes. Now where is my sister?" I asked with gritted teeth.
"Ah- lets talk to her! Brianna, come here. Your big brother want to talk to you."
I heard shuffling of steps and a hello.
"Bri, where are you?! Are you okay? Who are these people? did they hurt you? Where's father?!" I asked worried.
"Hey, hey. Calm down. I am okay. They are not bad. They didn't hurt me. Father.... left. Are you okay? Our house is not in the best condition right now. Stay at Ms. Mayers for now. And as for my location, I will let boss talk to you. Bbie, see you soon." Again shuffling of steps.
"Hi again."
"Where are you? I would like to have my sister back." Anger rose withen me.
"Oh yes... well, we are at that old house on the outskirts of the city."
"Fine. I will meet you there."
I said and cut the call. I grabbed my car keys again and sped off.

Amy's Pov:
That voice was familiar. Too familiar. But I shrugged it off.
I heard screeching of tyres and banging on the door. This guy is stupid.
I grabbed my gun and opened the door. There stood with all mighty meekness, my going-to-be baby boy.
Shock was written on both our faces.
"You!" He yelled
"What are you doing here, love?" I asked in a panicky voice.
"I came here to take back my sister. And I am not your 'love'!"
I smiled ever so lightly and stepped aside. He entered and his eyes immediately started searching for Brianna.
I called for her and she came down skipping steps.
"Brianna, don't skip the steps. How many times have I told you?" I scolded.
She looked sheepish and stared at me. Suddenly her eyes went to Caleb and her face lit up.
"Caleb!!" She yelled his name before running up to him. He hugged her and held her shoulders to see if there was any harm. Realising there was none, he sighed in relief.
He turned to me.

"I am taking my sister back."
"No?! She is my sister for God's sake. I won't let her stay in this... environment." He spat the word "environment."
I chuckled. I looked at him amused. He is so protective. I just need to make him stay and then he will be mine.
"This is not how it goes, hun. Either you or her. Choose." I said smugly.
He looked conflicted and looked at his sister.
"Fine. I will stay."
"Good boy." I pat his head and signal my gang members to go pack his stuff and bring them here.
"Amy?" I heard a small squak. I turned around and saw Brianna looking at me with big eyes.
"What is it, love?"
"I- uh..where am I going to stay?"
I remained quiet. I had my boys trash their house. I turned to my right-hand man, Zane.
"Zane, get their house cleaned."
"On it." A man of few words, yet the most strongest.
"Do you want any of my friends to stay with you?" I asked Brianna.
"Blaze..." I heard Dawson speak.
I turned to him.
"I was thinking that maybe I can keep her. She will have the company of my kids, and my wife already loves her. Just a suggestion though." He said.
I looked at Brianna in an asking way. She nodded excitedly. Then I looked at Caleb. He seemed hesitant but agreed.

His stuff had come. I asked them to put it in the guest room.

I motioned Caleb to follow them and he did.

"Zane, take out all the information you can about him. Do not leave anything out."
"Okay." I nodded and dismissed them all.

The house was now empty.
Time to look at my baby boy.
I smirked.

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