Chapter 9

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Officially inducted in the gang, I soon got my clients to buy from us and the cashflow started good. Just the beginning. And if I want to sit in Valdor's chair, i need to eliminate Victor and Volf.

Back story bout them is. Both are sons of Dollar. Both are good at following commands but.. Naah. I can't work under them. They are too much about money and women. This gang needs a steady hand.
The brothers gonna fight Between themselves when Valdor dies. One of them is gonna die. I'll let them do that. And then they fight me.

The others were sweethearts. All of them treated me like their family and honestly it just felt home.


I knew I need to be ruthless to others to keep this group together. I can't lose any of them. Except those two. Ugh.

For now, lets go shopping.


It felt good. To be a bitch to everyone. Its feels powerful. Like an all time high. High in the clouds.
"That was good." Linda said, grinning. I smiled too. It was fun!

Rewind - 2 hours

"That store is dope!' I exclaimed. Me and Linda were shopping. More like shop-lifting.
Its adrenaline. The thrill to do bad shit. We shop - lifted two pairs of beautiful earrings, a tee, and chocolates. Don't even ask how.

"Lets see if it has anything good." Linda said as we ran towards a shop named 'NOTES'. It was a music shop. You know those that sell albums, and musical instruments.
And what I did is what I shouldn't have tried. I tried to steal an album and put it in my bag. But the cashier saw in the camera, caught me and it turned into a brawl.


"What were you doing?" He demanding.
"I was going to buy it!" I said.
"You were not. You so were going to steal it. I know you lot."
"I was not!"
"Then why were you seeing around so urgently?"
"I- I was searching for Linda." Why the fuck did I stutter?
"Yeah right!"
I scoffed and turned to get out.
"Thief." He muttered as he saw us leaving. I stilled. Linda also stopped walking. We looked at each other. I looked at her bag. There it was, the "ANSWER" album. We burst out laughing.

He wasn't wrong, now was he?

She had managed to get one. We kept laughing and drove off to our house.

"Your mom is gonna kill us if she finds out what we have done!" She snickered.
"If she comes to know." I corrected. She nodded in agreement.

As we reached our house we saw police at the doors.
Our smile faded.
We were caught.

"Act normal, Linda. Do not give away your fear. And don't utter shit." I warned as we started to walk towards the door.
"Good evening, officer. Long time, no see." I smiled sarcastically. Of course, the bastard is still here. He was the the one who was too much of a pussy to go against Jason's father.


I shook my head. Now is not the time to think about him.

The officer looked at me in surprise.
"Sorry, do I know you?"
"Yes, officer Winston. I am Amy Colton. Don't you remember me?" I asked with a sickly sweet smile. He gulped and smiled nervously.
"H-Hi, Amy. How are you?"
"Oh, just perfect."
He nodded.
"By the way, why are you here?"
"I...uh.. Just like that. To see how you are holding up. You know, after you were r-" he started.
"Robbed. I am fine." I interrupted him and looked quickly in Linda's way hoping he would get the hint.
He nodded.
"I am... Sorry." He said apologetically. I grew stiff.
"Linda, get in the house. I will follow you soon." I said to her. She must have sensed the tension. She nodded and went inside.
The moment she disappeared from my sight, I took him by the collar.
"Don't you ever dare mention my rape. Do you understand?" I said grinding my teeth.
He nodded frantically and I loosened my grip.
"Also, I need all information about my rapists. Do that or I will make sure your family won't last a week." I warned. He started shaking.
"O-okay. Please just leave my family alone." He pleaded.

I went inside the house after he went away.
Linda was sitting on the sofa watching tv. I looked at her and went upstairs.

Immediately, I went to take a bath. I had developed a habit a cleaning myself every time I touched a man.
Rubbing of invisible dirt off my skin, I stared in the mirror.

What had I become?

Drying myself, I allowed my thoughts to wander off to my rape.
Are they all dead? Of worse?
Tears formed in my eyes as I thought of the small girl that I was.

Helpless. You were helpless.

I got out and wore dark blue jeans and a white shirt. I got downstairs and grabbed my purse and phone.

"Where you off to?" Linda asked.
"Gang house. Got some work." I said curtly.
She nodded. Smart girl.

I needed Caleb.

I reached the the boys dorm, asked a boy for Caleb's room number and looked around for it.

Found it.

I picked the lock of his room and opened his door. There he was. sleeping. Chest bare. Curled into a ball.
I slowly closed the door and covered him with a blanket. I slipped beside him and wrapped my arms around him.
He shifted slightly and muzzled his head into my neck.
I smiled and drew him closer to me.

He is my comfort. My only solace. The only man I didn't fear or felt disgusted by.
It was too soon to even feel something so i just named that feeling as.. Care. That's all it was. I cared for him.

I kissed his soft straight hair and fell asleep.



I groaned as I fell off the bed.
I looked up and saw Caleb looking at me with confusion and alarm.

"How could you sneak on someone sleeping and sleep with them?!" He asked.

I rubbed my ass as I got up and smiled in pain.
"No need to get defensive, Cinderella. I wasn't touching you inappropriately or anything. " I said.
"I- "
My phone rang. Linda. I put my finger on his lips.
"Surprise. Surprise, baby. Missed your daddy?" A male voice answered.
Ughhh. I hate it when Linda hangs out with this douche. And by hanging out I meant making out with his girlfriend. They have this open relationship or whatever. None of my concern.

"What do you want, vicky?" I asked in sickly sweet tone.
He grunted.
"I'm not vicky! And Baltimore brought the packages."
"Okay I'll be there in an hour. Pay him." I replied. He grunted a yes and cut the call.

I turned towards Caleb, my fingers still on his lips. He looks up at me with those big beautiful brown eyes. I smiled softly and bent down to kiss my finger.
"Dinner tonight?" I whispered.
He nodded his head cutely and I kissed his forehead.
"I'll pick you up at 7?"
"Words, sweetheart."
"Yes, Amy."
"Good boy." And I walked out.

Hello, people.
I know, short chapter!
But do click that baby star if you like it, and I would definitely appreciate if you have any advice for me!!!

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