Advise from Clyde

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~ Kyle's POV ~

I drove in silence , my thoughts filled with cartman and his confession to Kenny. I can't believe he likes me... Me of all people..

I know Kenny will try something at the sleepover. Though what I have no clue , which both excited and terrified me as Kenny could be even worse than Cartman at times , when he wanted something to happen.

I focused back on the icy road and  eventually parked up on the street next to the hospital getting out and running quickly to get to warmth , as it  had somehow gotten even colder during my drive down. The smell of the hospital made my stomach turn.

God I hate this place.. And Clyde knows it. Maybe he just asked me to come to be a jerk. To be honest I wouldn't put it past him..

I walked up to the desk, smiling a little as I saw Shelly , stans older sister behind it. "Hey Shelly! Uh.. Could you tell me where-"

"Third floor , room 657. Emergency care unit" she stated , not even looking up. "Your here for that fatass Clyde right? He's that's his room. Now scram twerp."

I frowned , waling away as an remembered why I hated her , why Stan hated her. She was a total bitch.

I clambered the stairs , checking my phone.


I needed to hurry up, or Stan will be ringing none stop. Sometimes I think he has a problem, he's too worried about me all the time, more than he is about Wendy.

I was now stood outside the room. Taking a deep breath I enter it. It was really dark so my eyes took time to adjust.  When they did I saw Clyde , injured but grinning at me.

"Kyle! Heyyy! So , you must be wondering why I asked you here"

"Get to the point. I'm a busy guy" I state , standing at the end of the bed , staring down at him. This made me feel good , since I never get to look own at anyone.

"OK OK, gawd. Look I know you were protecting fa-.. Cartman" he grinned as I glared at him. "But it only made more people aware of your crush on him. I get your still pissed at me. But I have son tips for how to get in the arms of Cartman."

"Why should I care about your 'tips' your probably just gonna make it so he hates me more.

" no no! We love kyman! Everyone in our year has shipped it. When we were all little there was clearly something up with both of you , since you used to fight all the time. Anyways. Just listen OK?"

I roll my eyes this should be good.

"Well, Kenny is clearly up to something , since he was grinning like a madman. So if u get into an awkward moment or position. Play cute , play innocent. It will cause Kenny to get bored and cartman to want you more" he laughed and wiggled his eyebrows "who knows , you may even get laid tonight"

"Shut up Clyde..." I blush facepalming "..thanks though. I'll do that.. I'm sorry by the way" I truly was , it looks like he wouldn't be back in action for quite a while.

"No problem. It's been years since I've Been attacked , I forgot what a thrill it as" he laughed as I slowly backed out the room.  A worried look on my face. "OK seeya kyle!"

I bolted out the hospital, not wanting to be inside it any longer , and sat on the kerb outside , looking at the floor.

Act cute?? Be innocent? The hell did he mean? God he makes no sense. Nothing in this damn town makes sense and it pisses me off to no end. I have no clue why cartman likes it here..

After what seemed like hours of staring , the vibration of my phone caused me to come back to earth , my arms now numb from the cold I clambered inside my car , blasted the heating and took out my phone.


I had already had 4 miss calls from Stan and about 6 messages. 4 from the group chat, and 2 from Stan. I groan opening them.

S: hey you guys gonna be here soon??????

Ke: I'm right outside , have the door ready. Its fucking freezing.

C: just gotta sort butters out then I'll walk down. May be a bit late

S: OK , Kyle? Where are you???

The messages from Stan were just him asking where I was , so I threw my phone on the passenger seat and started the car up.


Dammit dammit dammit! Kenny's gonna make this sleepover pure hell I just know it. And kyle is probably gonna laugh at me all night. I don't wanna go..

"U-uh.. Eric? Are you OK? You look worried" butters concerned voice interrupted my thoughts  I huffed and turned away. "Eric?"

"I'm fine butters. I gotta go now , or I'll be late to Stans. You'll be OK on your own?" Butters nodded , his pale blonde hair bouncing around as he did. "Text me if you need anything OK?"

"OK Eric. I hope Kenny doesn't ruin your sleepover for you"

"Me too.." I mumble as I leave , the air now bitterly cold.  Making me glad I wore my coat this time.  I start to walk. Listening to the sound of the snow crunching underneath me  and the chants of the sadistic animals of the Forest in the distance.

After a while I heard a car coming up from behind.  Slowly pulling to a stop and rolling the window down. "Get in"

I rolled my eyes. Of course the Jew had a car , I huffed and quickly got in , looking at him as I closed yo door.

"You look like a frozen tampon" he grinned , turning the gear stick to drive.

"How the fuck do you know what that looks like" I smirked , putting my belt on. "And since when have you had a freaking car"

"My parents gave me it for my 16th , pretty cool right?" He laughed , ignoring my tampon comment , I studied his face , looking at his snow covered curls,  his  emerald orbs , full of life and hope , his soft looking lips  a little apart , the light flush on his cheeks from the harsh outside.

Your too precious for this world... The want to Kiss him was becoming too much to bare. I knew he knew now , so he might get really pissed at me or just be mildly annoyed. Either way I hope Kenny doesn't go too far ,I huff turning away and staring out the window as we got to Stans.

"You ready for tonight" I smile , getting out and grabbing my bag.

"You betcha"

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