#2 I'll Wait for You [Oikawa Tooru]

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[Name]'s POV

Year 1300

I held my sword as I eyed the guy in front of me. Oikawa Tooru, our enemy kingdom's king, my best friend.

"Let's finish this off, [Name]."

We both charged at each other, our blades meeting at the middle. I was the first one to pull back. I instantly drew my sword towards his face but he blocked it. Our fight went on like that.

Our kingdoms are already clashing even before I was born. I never tasted peace and freedom. I was stuck behind the walls.

Everything changed when I met a certain brown haired kid outside the castle walls. His smile is as bright as the sun as if there is no war taking place around us. With him, I tasted freedom for once.

I don't know how we came to this point. Yesterday, we were just having fun, but today we're already fighting. How miserable our fate is. I wanted to run and hide somewhere far away where I can escape from all this mess, but I can't. No matter how far away you've gone, you still cannot escape reality. In order to survive, you must kill. No exceptions.

I eventually found a hole on his defense so I went for it. I attacked him from below. In a moment, he's laying down on the floor. I kicked his sword away and pointed mine to his chest. I was surprised to see him smiling.

"It's over now, isn't it? This world will finally be at peace."

"Tooru." I haven't noticed I was crying until I felt a liquid drop from my chin. "I-I'm sorry."

"Don't be. This is our fate. This is how everything should end. Maybe we weren't meant to be happy. Not in this time. But maybe someday, we will. I will wait for that."

"Farewell, Tooru." I said through tears.

"Farewell." He flashed a bright smile for the last time before I pushed the sword into his chest.

"I promise, I'll wait for you."

Year 2017

No! I can't be late for the first day of classes!

I rushed through the crowd towards our classroom. That's when I bumped into someone.

"Hey! Watch where you're-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence when I saw who I bumped into.

"I'm sorry." I gladly accepted his offer to pull me up. I gave him a sweet smile.

"It's nice meeting you again, Tooru."

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