#3 Mafia

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Sawamura Household

Everyone is having a study session for the upcoming exam in Daichi's place. They have their game faces on as they reviewed their lessons. That's when a long-awaited knock resonated in the room.

Anji: Heya!

Hinata: Our saviour is here! All hail master Anji!

Tsuki: No. One last question before break time.

Hinata: Awww

Anji: Everyone's focused. That's good. I brought some snacks and a friend. *pulls a brunette from outside* This is Suika Aris, my roommate. She's a wing spiker from our volleyball team.

Aris: Yo! *spots Kageyama* Oh! It's the king!

Kageyama: Hi Arissan. *answers the last question*

Karasuno: 'She's allowed to call him that?'

Anji: She's Kageyama's classmate in junior high, so I thought it'll be alright to bring her here.

Aris: *already eating everything*

Anji: Or not. *pulls Aris away from the snacks* Anyway, aren't you guys getting bored? You're studying all day. Let's do something fun.

Daichi: Now that you mentioned it, let's finish this up and do some leisure stuffs. I can sense everyone's brains short circuiting.

Noya & Tanaka: Yayyyy!!! Freedommm!!!

Aris: *insert lightbulb here* Let's play Mafia!

Hinata: Mafia?

Aris: Yep! It's that really cool detective game that we love to play.

Hinata: Woah! Teach us how to play it!

Aris: Yosh! The mechanics are simple. There are three key roles in this game: mafia, who has the ability to kill someone, detective, who has the ability to check if someone is a mafia, and doctor, who has the ability to heal. The rest of the players are civilians. On the night phase, the narrator will ask everyone to close their eyes. They will ask the mafia who to kill, the detective who they think the mafia is, and the doctor who to heal. After that, there will be some discussion on who to eliminate in the game. The game ends when the mafia is captured or the mafia killed everyone except one.

Hinata: I don't get it, but it sounds cool!

Anji: *facepalm* Let's have a demonstration game for Hinata's sake.

Kageyama: *smirk* Watch how it's done, dumbass.

Anji: Let's have Aris, Enno, Kinoshita, Narita, Tsuki, Kageyama, Shimizu, and me on this round.

Aris: I'll be the storyteller. I'll send you your roles via text. *types on her phone* There!

Storyteller: Aris
Mafia: Shimizu
Detective: Tsuki
Doctor: Enno
Civilians: Anji, Kinoshita, Narita, Kageyama

Aris: Our setting is training camp! Everybody, close your eyes. Mafia?

Shimizu: *points Anji*

Aris: Detective?

Tsuki: *points Enno*

Aris: *thumbs down* Doctor?

Enno: *points hinself*

Aris: A gentle reminder: you cannot heal the person twice in a row. Now, everybody wake up! Everyone was in the dining area eating breakfast when they noticed that someone is missing. Daichi-san asked Noya and Tanaka to check on their missing acquaintance. The duo found Anji already pale and cold on her sleeping bag.

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